Exercising the human body is essential. It keeps the body fit and the soul healthy too. Believe it or not exercising helps in keeping your mind stress free and also relaxes your brain muscles. And if the exercises are of therapeutic value like the 'asana' of the ancient old technique called -'Yoga', they can are known to have the ability to heal several chronic diseases too. Practicing yoga asanas keeps the body fit. It's various postures, breathing techniques and meditation heals the body, mind and soul.
Research has shown that regular practice of yoga has helped in controlling severe problems like, anxiety, arthritis, blood pressure, diabetes, spondylitis, heart problems, stress, depression and several other diseases too. Apart from being an exercise form, yoga is also about a disciplined lifestyle of which exercising is just a part. It acts as a connection between the body and the soul. It is a bridge that connects our busy life with the spiritual aspect of life and brings a balance in our daily routine.
Yoga is also known to improve the flexibility, strength and stamina of body muscles, boost self esteem, improve level of concentration, reduce body fat, improve blood circulation, and also teach a sense of well being to individuals who indulge in regular practices of the yoga asanas.
People who regularly practice yoga say that it is a tool that helps the body to evolve gradually by purifying the body, soul and mind; this is what gives yoga a therapeutic value. Yoga has been classified into several categories since ancient times. The major branches of yoga are Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Raja Yoga. Raja. Let us now discuss a few popular yoga postures that are easily learned and are good for developing a better body texture.
The Sitting posture/ Sukhasana:
This is primarily the starting position of the asana that helps in concentrating on the breathing pattern and attracts attention towards the body. This posture helps in firming the lower back and opens the groin and hips.
The Dog/ Cat posture:
These are two simultaneous postures that go hand in hand. It begins by posing as a dog with arms at shoulder length stretched to the ground and keens folding the legs with the hips raised up. Inhale while tilting the tailbone and the pelvis up and curve the spine, forming a dog posture. Reverse this position while exhaling and move into the cat posture. Repeat the cat/dog posture few times in short intervals.
Mountain posture/ Tadasana:
This posture is known to improve body texture and balance. It also brings in self-awareness. One is required to stand with feet together and hands by the side. Raise feet up while taking hands high in the air gradually moving the head back while inhaling and retain the original position gradually while exhaling your breath. Repeat the posture several times.
Forward bend posture/ Uttanasana II:
This posture helps in stretching the legs and spines and rests the heart and neck muscles too. Begin the posture by Tadasana, next inhale and raise the arms overhead. Exhale while bending the hips, and bring the arms forward and down until they touch the floor. Either grasp the ankles or just leave the hands on the floor and breathe several times.
The Cobra/ Bhujangasana:
This exercises stretches the spine, strengthens the back and arms and opens the chest and heart. Lie down on the stomach keeping legs together and arms by the side close to the chest raise your head and chest as high up as possible while inhaling. Breathe several times in this posture before relaxing to the previous posture. Repeat the exercise several times.
There are several other asanas that we shall be discussing in our next approach.
Preetu Misra is a contributed writer for Batchmates.com the largest Alumni portal in India. With her research work and articles she has added an additional edge to the entertainment e-magazine BM Times. Her articles reach to millions of readers every day which are varied in subjects.