2012年11月2日 星期五

Yoga Styles For Beginners

Yoga is a fundamental form of exercise, combined with elements of meditation and relaxation that help to create better circulation throughout the body. This art of stretching and muscle strengthening has been around for many centuries in the East; however, it is now catching on in the Western Hemisphere. And of course, as soon as the West gets its hands on anything alterations are sure to be made. So now we have a variety of new styles of yoga that many people are taking part in, in addition to the traditional styles. So why don't you join me as we explore some yoga styles. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two!

Why Choose Yoga?

Before we get into these yoga styles, let's look at the art of yoga and why many people are switching from more rigorous exercise plans to this calming style of exercise. The reason people are switching over to yoga is because they are finding that, like meditation, yoga provides a calming energy that cannot be achieved through normal exercise. Yoga is based on meditation and breathing, and is very spiritual in nature. Its plan is essentially to get your blood circulating though the body more easily, training your muscles to strengthen slowly and healthily, and calming your mind in the process.

Some are finding that as their jobs become more and more stressful, they need something to completely counteract the stress, and for many, yoga is the answer. As more people seek yoga for relief, more yoga styles are also being sought. I have provided a few of the different styles you have to choose from.

Yoga Styles

Ananda Yoga - Ananda Yoga is a class that helps you learns to quiet your body before meditation. You work to move your energy to your brain by aligning your body. Then you control your breathing to calm yourself for your meditative practice. This is great for a person who is not only trying to start as a beginner yoga participant, but also beginner in meditation.

Bikram Yoga - This is one of the more popular yoga styles, especially in the Chicago area, because of it takes on the style of a comprehensive work out, focusing on muscular strength, endurance and cardio exercises. The class was started by Bikram Choudhury, an Olympic gold medalist in weight lifting in the 1960s, who wanted to incorporate yoga into an exercise routine. His style of yoga is said to encourage flexibility, detoxification, and prevention of injuries. And it is unique because it is practiced in a heated environment for increased circulation.

Hatha Yoga - This is one of the more easy-to-learn styles of yoga and is more popular in the West than East. It incorporates several styles of yoga, including Asanas, Pranayama, and Dhyna, to help create a system that gives you a toned body and a sense of enlightenment at the same time. This is one of the yoga styles that are better known for its ability to relieve stress. And it is useful in teaching the novice yoga participant the basics of the skill.

Yoga for Health - This style of yoga is very specific and only offered at the A.R.E. Center in Virginia Beach by a revered yoga instructor of over 30 years. This high energy yoga class was designed to help build strong blood circulation throughout the body and is a wonderful way to warm the body and lift spirits. This class is held for free on the beach every Sunday morning when weather permits, and is loved because it provides beautiful sunrises, crashing waves and leaping dolphins, along with stretching and toning. The class lasts 2 hours and can be very challenging initially, but over time, after you adjust to the level of energy required, you won't want to miss a class.

There are tons of resources available to help you get started on your yoga experience. And with the numerous available yoga styles out there, you are guaranteed to find a class that best suits you. And who knows, you might become so comfortable in the class that you decide to instruct your own and become one of the pioneers of the many new yoga styles to come!

Jeffrey Meier at Jam727 Enterprises at http://www.thearticlehome.com blog offers even more detailed information on a wide variety of topics.

