2012年7月3日 星期二

Benefits of Yoga Postures - Triangle Pose

The Triangle pose or Trikonasana is admired for its several benefits. A number of elements are put together in this position to bring about physical, mental and healing changes. This asana improves the shape of your leg muscles, spinal nerves and abdominal organs; strengthens your lower back permanently; and fully stretches and extends the whole body. It promotes three important aspects of Hatha yoga:

Strength- sturdiness of the legs and feet is established
Stability- firmness of the limbs and torso is created
Balance- equilibrium of the body and mind is developed
For beginners it is advisable to progress a little at a time; while adopting basic triangle posture, you should take a short step. This will prevent you from exerting strain on your legs, knees and lower back. Once flexibility of the limbs is improved, then you can easily increase your stride. As you stretch out your arms, torso and legs, during the exercise, you feel as if your limbs and torso are elongating and a rush of energy surges through them. Once you have adopted the pose, breathe deeply and experience the exhilarating sensation of:

Opening of your chest, lungs and heart
Reassuring steadiness in your limbs
Conscious equilibrium (sama) of the mind and body
Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana) and Twisted Triangle Pose (Thirikonasana)

Once you have perfected the basic pose, you are ready for Extended Triangle and Twisted Triangle postures and enjoy the unlimited benefits they offer. There are multiple therapeutic rewards and advantages for the body and the mind. The curative aspects of the posture include reduction of pain of the back, relaxation caused by neck sprains. Triangle posture benefits those who suffer from shortening of a leg due to a fractured hipbone or bone of the leg; it elongates the affected leg and corrects any other slight abnormality in the legs. Abnormality in the arms and displacement of spinal discs can also be fixed with this asana.

You will also experience some positive bodily changes through this exercise. Your legs, hips and spine will become more elastic and strong.It will render good shape to your spinal nerves and abdominal organs. Your chest muscles will broaden and the cavity within will expand. Your breathing will be regulated and powerful. Your body will feel light. Circulation of blood in the abdominal area will revitalize; appetite will become better and performance of the digestive system will enhance, relieving the body of constipation.

Benefits of Triangle pose for the brain are many. This posture frees the mind of worry and fret and enables it to focus attention to the desired object. It develops positive thinking and reduces constant anxiety over one's health. The position kindles and directs the rush of life force (pranic) towards the spleen, liver, large intestine, gall bladder, small intestine and core of the heart. It further controls the flow of energy and prepares the body for meditation. Holistically, Triangle posture shapes and purifies the body of all impairments and impurities and tunes the mind towards awareness of self; when this happens, the prime benefit of yoga, unification with the divine, is gained

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