2012年10月31日 星期三

How To Find Yoga Classes

Maybe you want to try yoga out. Maybe you practiced it before and want to start again. If you want to do yoga, you probably want to find a yoga class. You can use the following methods to find a local yoga class.

Local Gym - In addition to their weight rooms and cardio machines, many gyms offer a large assortment of fitness classes. Some gyms offer brochures that list and describe all of their different classes. Nonetheless, you can more easily find out whether or not a local gym offers any yoga classes simply by calling them and asking. When you call, remember to ask for the price. Try calling more than one gym and writing down the different prices and other details. That way you can choose the best class for you. You can usually find a whole bunch of gyms in any given community, so you most likely can find a few that have yoga classes.

Yoga Studio - Yoga studios are basically places dedicated to practicing yoga. They are to yoga practice what a martial arts studio is to martial arts. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to find a yoga studio nearby. Even if you find one or more, they may not meet your budget or your needs.

Craigslist - You can read and post local classified ads on craigslist for free. If you do not see anything on there about yoga classes, post a classified ad asking about yoga classes in your neighborhood. You can also use this method to find a yoga partner, but be very careful meeting anyone from the internet. Craiglist lets you remain anonymous when posting ads.

Ask Your Friends - If you know other people who practice yoga, ask them where they practice yoga. This will not only help you find places that offer classes, but it will also let you get immediate first-hand information about those places. You can ask the person if they recommend the classes. You can also ask friends and other people you know about yoga classes. Even if they do not practice yoga, they may happen to know of local places that offer yoga classes.

Before looking for yoga classes, you want to figure out what you want out of the classes. Figure out how much you are willing to spend. Also, figure out what type of class you want. For example, do you want one that focuses on the spiritual aspects of yoga, or do you simply want an exercise class?

Some gyms and studios may want you to sign up for a long-running class and pay upfront. Avoid doing this unless you have tried the class out, especially if you are new to yoga. You do not want to pay hundreds of dollars for months of yoga classes only to find out that you do not like yoga or the class.

You can also start practicing yoga by getting a yoga video. A video would allow you to practice yoga at home.

Whatever you do, good luck and have fun!

Scott Hughes owns and maintains an informative website about yoga at OnlineYogaClub.com. You can talk about yoga for free at the Yoga Forums. If you have any questions about yoga, post them there. It's completely free!

Can I Lose Weight With Yoga?

Yoga has many benefits. A regular program of yoga can help keep your spine supple, your core strong, and help you maintain balance and poise. It also tones your muscles, helps strengthen your immune system, and boosts your metabolism. However, yoga alone cannot help you lose large amounts of weight. It is, however, a good idea to add it to any healthy living plan.

Yoga will help you feel better about yourself and is a great confidence booster. Many find yoga is an island of calm in an otherwise hectic world. While not all yoga is aerobic, there are some types of yoga that can substitute for aerobic activity. Using yoga to lose weight all depends on the type you do and how frequently you do it. You should opt to engage in 90 minutes of aerobic style yoga three or more times per week, and if you add in another style of yoga the remaining days per week you can gain all the benefits of most other types of physical activity such as weight or strength training and flexibility.

In order to lose weight and keep it off you need to effect lasting changes in your lifestyle permanently. Doing this requires incorporating 5 key elements into your lifestyle. These are adequate rest, drinking enough water, eating a balanced diet, proper types of exercise, and caring for yourself emotionally. Yoga can help with the exercise and emotional elements. So what is yoga?

Hatha Yoga: Exercise for the Mind & Spirit

Yoga is based on eight principles as a study of all religions. It is not of itself a religion. One of the eight studies deals with physical training and keeping the body in good working order. When people in the west think about yoga, it is the branch of Hatha Yoga they have in mind. Hatha Yoga itself has many branches or types of physical training systems developed over many years that are all based on the same physical postures or poses. Here are just a few:

o Hatha: while this is the yoga branch that deals with physical yoga, here in the west a class that is called Hatha generally means it will be slow and gentle and thus provide a good introduction for beginners to learn the yoga poses.

o Vinyasa: this may also be called sun salutations or breath-synchronized movement. It is just slightly more vigorous than Hatha. Some places use this as a warm up before other more vigorous types of yoga begin.

o Ashtanga & Power Yoga: Ashtanga means eight limbs and is based on the whole philosophy of yoga. It is a very fast paced type of yoga that is always performed in the same order. It flows and moved without pauses. Power yoga is usually based on Ashtanga, but not always, though it usually is the inspiration for power yoga.

o Iyengar: this is based on the teachings of Yogi B.K.S. Iyengar which is based on an emphasis of body alignment. Precise alignment is effective to maximize benefits and avoid injury. In this type of exercise you usually hold each pose over long periods of time rather than moving quickly form one to the next. You usually will use props such as blankets, blocks, and straps.

o Kundalini: this emphasizes breath in conjunction with movement. Combining movement with controlled breath is meant to move and free energy within the chakras or body systems. This type of yoga can be very helpful to encourage regulation with the digestion and adrenal systems.

o Bikram or Hot Yoga: be prepared to spend time in a hot room that is usually around 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This type of yoga is useful for detoxing though profuse sweating and loosening tight muscles. The original Bikram was based on 26 poses. But not all classes follow this.

o Anusara: this relatively new style of yoga founded in 1977 by a man named John Friend combines physical alignment with positive energy derived from tantra. The philosophy here is the goodness of all beings. Props are also often used in this class which is generally open to people of all levels of fitness and abilities.

o Jivanukti: David life and Sharon Gannon founded this style in New York at one of the most elite Yoga Studios. It is inspired by Ashtanga and strongly emphasizes chanting, meditation, and spirituality. Most teachers of yoga in the United States have been trained by them.

o Forrest: Originated by Anna Forrest in California and is based on vigorous Asana poses. It is designed to strengthen, purify, release, and heal the body and promote healing form within both physically and emotionally. You can expect intense aerobic exercise that helps develop your core and expand your breathing ability.

o Integral: based on the teachings of Yogi Sri Swami Sachinananda who came to the US in the 1960's. He founded many Institutes that use gentle Hatha practice along with chanting and mediation. You can find books also based on this such as Richard Hittlemans 28 day exercise plan which help newbie's and beginners to receive maximum benefits and results through daily practice in their first month.

Yoga is generally based on 5 general principles Proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper diet, and positive thinking. By incorporating aerobic Yoga or other aerobic exercise for 90 minutes per session 3 or more times per week along with yoga on most other days per week in to your exercise plan you can expect to see results n your first 4 to 6 weeks. The trick is to stick with it and make a real effort for consistency. Yoga along with rest, water, sleep, and other lifestyle changes can help you lose weight and keep it off. Just remember to perform it daily and follow along with a book, video, or audio material if you opt to do it at home, especially if you are a beginner.

Yoga works by stimulating the adrenal systems and helping to clear out your lymph and immune system of toxins. The release of pent up energy, the effects of the calmness yoga emphasizes, and by performing both aerobic and stretching, Hatha type yoga, you can get you strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise all jut by practicing the different types of yoga styles. You will firm and tone muscles, burn calories, and boost your immune system and metabolism. Other effects are long lasting, such as calmness, poise, and balance. Most yogis know that regular yoga produces a glow and vibrant energy that tends to draw like minded people to you. (Anyone who practices yoga regularly is considered a yogi.)

If you have ever wanted to lose weight you may have found the wide array of methods and ideologies confusing. You may have wondered if you could lose it by dieting, pills, exercise, or other drastic measure alone. The answer is no! Losing weight takes a determined effort, willingness and patience, and the process of trying and combining methods to achieve what works best for you personally. In addition to lifestyle habits, dietary changes, and following the 5 key principles of a good lifestyle, yoga can help you achieve your goals.

Angela Blake is owner of [http://www.weight-loss-discovery.com] and is a mother of two who is on a mission to lose weight in a healthy way while educating others along the way.

2012年10月30日 星期二

The Different Types of Yoga

Confused by the many types of yoga? With all the different styles and variations, it's no wonder. Don't let it get you down. This article will give an overview of the eight most popular styles of yoga; iyengar, kundalini, bikram, ashtanga, power, hatha, kripalu, and sivanda. Let us shed some light on these and you'll be a yoga pro in no time!

The three types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. These are the most popular in this day and age. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. These are the types of yoga you will most likely encounter.

In addition to power yoga, there are two other styles of yoga designed for the more aerobic and fitness conscious person. These are iyengar yoga and ashtanga yoga. These are the types of yoga that will give you a strong cardio workout and are fast flowing and precise for those looking more for extreme fitness.

One of the types of yoga that might sound familiar to you is kundalini yoga. The kundalini is considered by many cultures to be the life force within us that can be awakened. This theory is applied to meditation, belly dancing and also yoga. Kundalini yoga concentrates on charkas in the body to generate a spiritual power.

The types of yoga that are more obscure and less heard of today are kripalu yoga and sivanda yoga. Kripalu yoga utilizes practices from many different wisdom traditions. It also includes health sciences, psychology and consciousness. It makes for a much more intensive life improvement plan than just a yoga class. Sivanda yoga is very similar to kripalu yoga in that it focuses on many aspects, including meditation, as part of its basic practice.

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga and meditation equipment [http://www.universalyoga.com/] and equipment needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different yoga positions [http://www.universalyoga.com/yoga_poses.html], postures and the history of yoga. If you are interested in becoming a yoga instructor learn more about yoga workshops [http://www.universalyoga.com/yoga_instruction_certification.html] in your city or state.

The Four Stages of Yoga Evolution

There are four stages of Yoga evolution, until we came to practice it nowadays. The stages are Pre-classical Yoga, Classical Yoga, Post-classical Yoga, and Modern Yoga.

Pre-classical Yoga

The Upanishad (Gnostic texts) appeared between 1800-1500 B.C. It contains 200 scriptures, which explained the transcendental self, (atman) and its relationship with the reality (Brahman). Karma principles originated with the Upanishads.

Vyasa was a great sage in 1400 B.C, he had categorized the Vedic hymns into four texts we use nowadays, and they are:

Sama Veda (knowledge of chants)
Yajur Veda (knowledge of sacrifice)
Rig Veda (knowledge of praise)
Atharva Veda (knowledge of Atharvan)
Rishabha was a great Yoga teacher in 1200 B.C; he had started the Jainism tradition, and this is due to the liberation of the spirit.

Again, an urbanization began along the Ganges River in 1000 B.C. Lord Buddha spread the Buddhism which focuses on meditation and ethics, ignoring physical postures. Buddhism is somehow similar to Hinduism. A few years later, the Buddhism canonical scriptures were structured.

Jaimini was a disciple of Vyasa; he had composed Mimamsa Sutra (Hinduism text) in 300 B.C. However, emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism and widely spread it.

Classical Yoga

When Yoga became widely spread, and due to it different forms, people thought about standardizing it. Therefore, in the second century, Patanjali composed a seminal text, Yoga Sutra and Classical Yoga. At these times the 195 sutras in Yoga Sutra, used in Raja Yoga (the eightfold Yoga path).The eightfold Yoga paths are:

Yama (restraint)
Niyama (observance of purity, tolerance and study)
Pranayama (breath control)
Asana (Physical exercises)
Pratyahara (preparation for Meditation)
Dhyana (Meditation)
Dharana (concentration)
Samadhi (is the absorption in the sublime).
Patanjali supports studying the sacred scriptures as part of the Yoga practice, which became Classical Yoga's distinct feature. Yoga Sutra main characteristic is its philosophical dualism. Patanjali believed in the importance of prakriti (the matter) and purusha (the spirit) separation to purify the spirit. Which differs from the Vedic and Pre-classical Yoga believes in the importance of body and spirit union. The Patanjali presented Yoga far from the traditional non-dualistic Yoga, and prepared it for the Post-classical Yoga. After the Paranjali, Yogis focused on the Meditation and neglected the Asanas. Then, by time, Yoga masters shifted their thoughts to health, maintenance and longevity, and this was by introducing new Yoga techniques, which they believed affect the body biochemistry and make it immortal.

Post-Classical Yoga

Here is the rise of prolific literature, the different branches of Yoga including Hatha and Tantra, and the rise of many holistic schools for Yoga. This one relies on appreciating life and accepting the present moment.

Modern Yoga

It arrived to the United States in the 1800's by many Gurus. One of these Yoga gurus is Swami Vivekanada, who was a Ramakrishna student, and his teacher commissioned him to attend the Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Later on, he traveled around the U.S and spread Yoga traditions.

This was Yoga history and evolution, "interesting isn't it?" it shows us how important the Yoga is in all times. As if, it is in the human beings instincts, and as if, we are born with its love. Yoga is essential for all the human races to keep up a good health and life.

Next, we will list other Yoga gurus, who are the main founders of the Modern Yoga, and they are the cause of its spread worldwide, and its evolution, by introducing and developing new techniques and molding it to become so ideal to practice in our present time.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for CaffeineZone.com, LowCarbPages.com, and PrimeYoga.com.

Age Reverse - How to Be 20 Years Younger With Yoga

Yoga may seem mysterious to the uninitiated, but it is simply a form of exercise that stimulates your mind and increases your body's level of fitness. Yoga means to yoke - to unite - your mind, body and spirit and was derived from the Sanskirt Indians well over 5000 years ago. Although yoga is ancient, it can and does make people feel and look 20 years younger.

Yoga means many different things to many different people. It is rooted in Indian spiritual tradition, and indeed the word, 'yogi' means someone who practices yoga. The word yoga itself comes from the Indian word, yug, "to unify." A goal of yoga is to unify your mind, body and spirit to a more relaxed state of being. When you practice yoga breathing, you are better able to connect inner peace from your mind to every piece of your body. There are many different styles of yoga, each with its own focus. The two most common types practiced in the United States are Hatha yoga and Bikram Yoga, also known as 'hot' yoga. Each has its own distinct style of movement and thought.

Consequently, yoga is not a religion. People who practice yoga can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, or any religion they wish. Yoga is a time proven method to enhancing mental focus and physical balance to help you function at full capacity.

So What type of yoga is right for you? Hatha yoga, meaning sun (ha) and moon (tha) has become very popular in the West it is the most physical type of yoga. Yogi's who practice Hatha recognize that a weak and tired body is a barrier to your life's fullest potential. Therefore Hatha yoga aims to make your body an ideal vehicle for good health and fill it with energy. Hatha concentrates on postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation, (Dhyana) to energize the mind, body and spirit. Whereas Hatha yoga is generally practiced at 72 - 78 degrees, Bikram yoga is practiced in a room that is between 95- 108 degrees with humidity level of 60%. Bikram consists of 26 poses practiced for a period of ninety minutes and requires you to be able to exercise in hot temperatures. If you choose this type of yoga, make sure to drink plenty of water. If you feel more comfortable to try yoga from your living room, there are plenty of DVD's to choose from. Just make sure you choose one appropriate for your age and fitness level.

The benefits of yoga are enormous. Muscle connective tissue has a natural tendency to shorten with aging as often evidenced in the stiffness of people as young as 25. Muscles must be regularly stretched to minimize muscle shortening. No matter how strong you are, if your muscles are tight; bending and reaching become very painful.

Yoga helps combat the negative effects of stiffness, pain, and stress through relaxation both mentally and physically. With its gentle stretch, strengthening and mental conditioning it is an excellent form of exercise especially for the growing population over the age of 40.

Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia demonstrated how just one session of yoga can lower blood levels of the stress hormone - cortisol. Suzanne Andrews, health expert for Healthy Lifestyles at WCEU reported the findings of this study, "Participants cortisol level were measured before and after they practiced yoga, then again before and after they sat quietly while reading. After the Yoga sessions, cortisol levels dropped. There was no drop after the resting sessions. Consequently, Suzanne Andrews further researched and found there is a direct correlation between weight gain and stress. Her latest Yoga DVD', Yoga Chi for Energy specialize in releasing stress and increasing energy.

Founder of Functional Fitness on PBS TV, president of http://www.healthwiseexercise.com and Licensed Occupational Therapy Practitoner, Suzanne Andrews has helped thousands transform their health through specialized exercise techniques to decrease pain, lose weight, release stress and live a fuller more functional life through safe, medically proven methods for people age over 40. To learn more about beginning your yoga program to increase your youthful energy go to http://www.healthwiseexercise.com/shop.aspx?p=4910&k=Yoga-Chi-for-Energy

2012年10月29日 星期一

Knowledge And The Relevance Of Yoga Poses

Although yoga is not a high-impact exercise, it can provide strength as well as suppleness to the body but you can cause injury to yourself if the poses are not correctly done. Through an in-depth knowledge, you can avert possible injuries.

The correct breathing techniques as in other form of exercises are essential to yoga postures to avert unnecessary injuries. The most glaring is to withheld your breathe in between changes of yoga positions. Yoga is similar to weight lifting, you need to inhale and exhale while doing the poses and holding it only when you are done with the exercises.

Normal yoga poses are unlike those that you found in television where they contort their body to make you squirm as yoga postures are done with little strain. Do not overstretch yourself and if you are uncomfortable with the poses, do not carry on as you might be heading for a serious injury.

Yoga should be done at a certain pace as you will want to be with the flow and keep your muscles tension free. Going through the yoga positions too fast is not healthy as it will strain your muscles and hurt yourself.

Practicing from a qualified teacher rather than through self learning such as self-help books or self taught videos are better as you can then the yoga poses correctly, thus avoiding hurting yourself. It can be done at a gym or one-to-one coaching. A knowledgeable yoga teacher can assess your skill level and offer the right supervision saving you a lot of times and unnecessary headaches.

As yoga is very healthy and beneficial, it is better to learn the postures correctly from the beginning. Asanas or yoga positions can be difficult if not carry out correctly. After picking up from a qualified yoga teacher, you can then supplement through self-help books and self-taught videos. The yoga book by Dharma Mittra called the Asanas:608 poses is one of the most complete book.

Video is more comprehensive than book as there are movements to guide you instead of interpreting from the pictures. With video, there is voice to guide you so you can learn all the poses with minimal misunderstanding.

The advantages that you can derive from a qualified yoga teacher is that the yoga poses is performed before you so there will be no ambiguity and at the same time, he/she can rectify your mistakes instantly. With yoga teachers, they can design the courses to suit you and even for those with special needs such as pregnant women. As well as, you can use the yoga classes to network with friends thus increasing the joy of attending practices.

Generally picking the right postures is essential to yoga so that you can enjoy the full benefits of it. The numerous yoga postures are listed below:

1. Sukhasana which is a fundamental yoga pose. This type of yoga will assist in focusing and breathing technique as well as building the lower back and hips

2. Dog and Cat which is another basic pose and it is actually two dissimilar poses.

3. Sethu Bandhasa, also known as the bridge is done by lying on you back and with your knees upward and hands by the side.

For beginners, yoga can educate you on the relevance of our day to day movements such as sitting, lying down, crouching or even stooping. With certain changes, basic yoga are like those positions that you do daily without noticing and there are many benefits to gain.

As beginning yoga has been endorsed by medical society for its mental and physical benefits, physicians usually recommend it to their sick patients as it encourages curing and respite from the illness.

You can progress from beginning to more difficult poses by certain adjustments. Yoga is adopted from observing the many daily movements and they can give you the full benefits of the workouts that you won't be able to get from it otherwise.

Yoga poses is progressive, you can pick up the more difficult poses gradually and with supervision from a qualified yoga teacher, you will be able to pick the correct poses. As yoga is also a mild and developing exercise, it can be done irrespective of your age. With more confidence, you can then go on to pick up more difficult poses.

While doing yoga poses, you can feel the improvement in your joints as well as look better and an improved self esteem. What you need is consistency and self discipline to follow through all the poses.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit free yoga exercises to learn more about benefits of yoga and yoga techniques.

Yoga Tips and Tricks - Swami Ramdev Baba Yoga Tips and Tricks

Yoga is very beneficial for your whole body if it is done properly and regularly. Every one has the busy schedule in this fast life. No one has the time to go for medicine, doctor and body care centers. Therefore yoga now a day is taking popularity to keep the body feet and away from disease.

It is very important to have the proper and right information before going for yoga. Yoga is natural and has no side effects on body. Yoga is ancient art of keeping body fit and healthy. You will find no need to go to the doctor if you promise for regular practice of yoga. It will develop your mental, physical and spiritual power.

You would have definitely heard the name and news of Swami Ramdev Baba. Swami Ramdev Baba is in the news since last two years. Swami Ramdev Baba believes on natural cure and natural medicines. Swami Ramdev Baba is an Indian and now he is become so very famous personality in India as well and aboard. Recently they have visited many countries and share his view about yoga. Swami Ramdev Baba always insists peoples to bring yoga in their regular practice.

There are some important tips and tricks how to keep yourself fit with yoga. But it is also recommended to take expert advices in case you have some physical problems as it can be problem in some types of yoga exercise. Ramdev Baba has several offers their advice for free in their regular camps. You can also watch his TV program in the morning and in the evening. Read more about Ramdev Baba Yoga.

Yoga Tips Tricks

Yoga offer many benefits to your body, mind and spirit. If you have just developed your mind to practice yoga then first you should take some advice from yoga experts or join yoga classes. You can also join Ramdev Baba Yoga Shivirs which are many times organized in India and sometimes in aboard. You can call personally and ask about their program schedules.

Start doing yoga with little practice. Give some time each day for yoga. Don't to try to do over. Check your yoga positions whether it is correct. If you practice yoga in wrong poses then you will not get any benefits out of it.

Don't go for single yoga exercise. Always try to adopt different types of yoga as they will offer extra benefits to you. Extend your Yoga timings as per expert advice and tips or you can increase it slowly-slowly.

Practice with different kinds of yoga exercises will boost your self confidence and gradually you will find no need for yoga classes and teachers.

Make sure about the perfect attention for yoga. Don't try to do hard work. Learn about inner attentions as it will benefit you after some time. Try to get more benefits from yoga with your yoga teacher.

Select right yoga teacher. Always try to select a teacher with whom you find your self comfortable. He should be perfect in yoga teaching. He should have the some experience of yoga. Learn yoga exercise in right and perfect positions and poses. Read about Ramdev Yoga

These are some tips and tricks of yoga exercise. Make yourself perfect in yoga exercises and the time will come when you will see a huge change in your mental and physical strength. Yoga will develop and improve your mental skills, power and increase your concentrating power.

Don't Underestimate the Power of Yoga!

"Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence in self control. Energy within and energy without"

What is "Yoga"?

The word "Yoga" is derived from Sanskrit which means "union". Yoga is a practice which uses postures and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength. There are Yoga "pose" ~ or "asana" ~ offers you to become more aware of your body, mind, and environment. There are many kinds of Yoga, ranging from gentle level Hatha Yoga to more intense such as Bikram Yoga. Every form of Yoga improves your health benefits from head to toe ~ your muscles, bones, and joints.

*Please always consult your physician prior to attempt any of these yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!

Don't Underestimate the Power of Yoga

I started taking Yoga few years ago. I had never known what a powerful one hour of Yoga class can do to your body and especially your mind. When I entered the class for the very first time, I thought to myself 'here we go, this is going to be a very easy stretching and flexibility without a drop of sweat during this session'. In the first few minutes through our Yoga 'warm-up', surprisingly I can feel sweat drops rolling on my back.

Mind can heal the Body ~ Namaste

I find this true that all Yoga makes people more accepting and loving toward themselves and their body. Often, it's not the intense hard core cardio or kickboxing classes or weight lifting training you need, but rather a relaxing or energizing class, depending on your symptoms. Consult with your physician prior to taking any of these classes, or attempt to perform any of these Yoga poses.

However, I learn that there's a misconception to some that Yoga is only about relaxation. There are some basic Yoga signature "poses" ~ or "asanas" ~ such as "Sun Salutation", "Mountain Pose", "Cobra", or even "Warrior 2" surprisingly can be stimulating to your body. Tight muscles throughout your body, back, shoulders, legs, arms, including your facial expression can be a factor in pain, and calming your nervous system will help relax them. To get the most effective benefits, I personally recommend skipping the hard-core Yoga and other intense trainings and emphasize meditation and stretching. You're never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of Yoga. As each pose names sound as intimidating to you, believe me they are very simple to follow. Find out and discover yourself how Yoga poses " will help you relax, refresh, and restart your engine, soul, mind, and body.

YOGA is best natural Rx *

Stay Healthy. Think Healthy. Body and Mind. There are more scientific proof that YOGA offers more health benefits than just mind relaxation, breathing exercise, meditation, muscle stretching, strength, and flexibility.

Health Benefits to Muscles, Bones, and Joints: Not only it can improve endurance, but a regular Yoga exercise can help and maintain your body strong, as it involves all muscles areas in performing any of 'poses' ~ 'asanas' ~ to hold and balance postures, strengthening your feet, hands, shoulders, lower back, abs, hip, legs, and shoulders. Yoga's stretching and breathing exercises improve your flexibility, helping joints, tendons, and muscles stay limber. As with treating a back pain, try a much calming and gentle practice, such as "corpse" pose. Yoga is often prescribed to help heal various injuries*, including repetitive strain injuries, knee and back injuries, pulled hamstrings, even minor skin burns. Improve Bone Density: Yoga is also said to be an excellent weight-bearing exercise that can improve your bone density; particularly beneficial for women approaching menopause, since Yoga can help ward off osteoporosis, or thinning of the bone.

Depression Cure: A recent study has stated that Yoga helps your body produce serotonin, a natural antidepressant, and helps lower cortisol levels, which are elevated in people with depression. A study showed that people who took a 1-hour Yoga class, three times a week for two months, said they felt less depressed, angry, and anxious. Most of them felt their depression had went into remission.

Benefits to Cardivascular system: Yoga has tremendous health benefits to your heart. The powerful "poses" or "asanas" keep your blood flowing while focusing on breathing. It is a cardio conditioning which strengthens core muscles while it keeps blood and oxygen circulating throughout your body. People suffering from hypertension can benefit from Yoga tremendously, as it can actually lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

Boost antioxidant for stronger Immune system: A regular Yoga practice helps boost antioxidants throughout your body, resulting a stronger immune system and increase ability to heal quicker against disease or injury. Treatment for autoimmune diseases: It can reduce the symptoms these diseases often cause, such as stiffness, malaise, fatigue, and weakness.

Reduces Anxiety and Stress: Yoga is an effective form of psychological therapy. Because yoga is a form of meditation, it results in a sense of inner peace and purpose. It has been used to help treat a wide variety of emotional and mental disorders, including acute anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Even children can benefit from yoga. Those with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity can learn to relax and get control by using yoga breathing and yoga 'poses' ~ 'asanas'. Insomnia cure: A regular Yoga practice can help cure insomnia, which promotes to better and deeper sleep. The more soundly you sleep, the fewer pain chemicals your brain secretes. In addition, it can help fight fatigue and maintain your energy throughout the day.

*Please always consult your physician prior to attempt any of these yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!

I hope you find this somehow useful. Until then, here is an inspiring quote I'd like to share with you:

"The mind is everything; what you think, you become" ~ Buddha

Until then, be safe and stay positive in mind and heart!

Nicky Dare

iDARE™ integrity of Diversity Adaptation Resilience Empowerment

2012年10月28日 星期日

Yoga: Ancient Wisdom for Today's Health

Yoga may be as old as 5000 years, according to some. One of the six schools of Hindu philosophy and very much a living tradition today, it antedates other major religions of the world. Its wisdom is timeless and its perspectives on health and wellness prescient.

Yoga, like all major religions and religious philosophies explores the relationship of mind, spirit and body. The Bhagavad Gita ("Song of the Lord"), written perhaps between 400 and 100 b.c.e., defines four major branches of yoga. Each is focused on an aspect of mind, spirit or body and explores their relationship from a different perspective.

* The first, Karma yoga, is the yoga of action in the world.

* The second, Jnana yoga, is the yoga of wisdom and intellectual endeavor.

* The third, Bhakti yoga, is the yoga of devotion to God.

* The fourth, Dhyana yoga, is the yoga of meditation.

Hatha yoga, a system of yoga introduced by Yogi Swatmarama of the 15th century is based on the yoga of Patanjali, who wrote sometime between 200 b.c.e. and 300 c.e. Patanjali's eight-step yogic system is a form of Raja yoga, meaning it presents meditation as the path to the ultimate goal of enlightenment.

Hatha yoga is the style most well-known in the West today. It focuses on purification of the physical as the path to purification of the mind and prana (vital energy). In this respect, it is very different from Patanjali's yoga in that Patanjali's yoga focuses on the purification of the mind as the path to purification of the prana and body.

In viewing the body as the path to the mind and spirit, yoga is similar to those western religions: which emphasize ritual practices as the path to spiritual understanding.

Hatha yoga practices Yoga applies a broad holistic approach that teaches people a different way of being in the world. Hatha yoga teaches this approach by way of a series of asanas, or positions. Asanas should be "steady but comfortable, firm but relaxed", according to the teachings of classical yoga. A first step is to learn rhythmical yoga breathing (pranayama) and to maintain this rhythmical breathing throughout a posture.

For this reason - that is maintaining good breath - one of the first postures that is taught is savasana, or "the corpse" pose. Savasana is a supine asana. Lying on the back, one lets the arms and legs fall naturally at about a 45-degree angle from the body. Starting with the toes and moving upward through the body, one concentrates on each body part, feeling the rhythm of the blood moving through that part. The effect is to produce alert relaxation and regular deep breathing.

Asanas include standing exercises, sitting exercises, exercises which start from a position lying on one's back, exercises which start from a position lying on one's stomach and twisting exercises. Each position is held for a few moments. Early on in the practice of yoga, there may be a tendency to become so relaxed that one falls asleep. The proper state, however, is one of relaxed alertness. While doing the exercise, one should check that breath remains rhythmical throughout - and also that muscles which are not the current focus of the stretch remain relaxed.

Health effects of yoga practice: Yoga concentrates on the spine, which we know today is the sheath, which protects the central nervous system and thereby controls all parts of the body as well as mood and mental functioning. Indeed, manipulation of the spine for the benefit of health is the basis of chiropractic, with which many in the West are very familiar.

In a survey conducted by Yoga Biomedical Trust in 1983-84, 3000 individuals who engaged in yoga to treat a particular condition were asked how beneficial the treatment was. It was reported as most effective for back pain, benefiting 98% of respondents. It was also reported to be 96% effective in cases of nerve or muscle disease. In regard to heart disease and anxiety, respondents reported 94% improvement. And finally, with regard to alcoholism, respondents reported a whopping 100% improvement.

Based on chiropractic information, we can safely assume that yoga might be directed toward treating specific physical issues like, for example, thyroid dysfunction. If the T6 (thoracic) vertebra is affected in such a way as to impinge on the nerve that goes to the thyroid, it will affect thyroid function. Conversely relieving this stress on the nerve, if appropriate yoga practice is introduced early enough, can reverse the problem.

Yoga nutrition Yoga nutrition emphasizes foods that promote prana, or vital energy and to eat them in such a way that these foods have the maximum opportunity to do their work. This means that, according to yogic principles, one should eat small quantities of the best quality foods - those that produce the minimum of toxins and in quantities such that the body is not overtaxed through the process of digestion. These foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

According to yogis, the best food is fruit, which contributes most to life force. It is a source of energy, which, all else being equal, does not produce toxins in the process of digestion. Yogis emphasize freshness and raw foods. A food, which must be approached with great caution, is meat, which does produce toxic waste products as it is metabolized in the body.

Interestingly, these principles are those which modern medical science is demonstrating are valid today. Drs. Roizen and Oz, in The Owners Manual Diet, recommend eating when hungry, not famished and including at least two snacks. Foods to eat on a daily basis and the foundation of the diet are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. This diet goes hand-in-hand with a program of physical activity directed toward flexibility and strength, as is the yoga "diet".

Conclusion On a recent Oprah show, Dr. Roizen indicated that the next important medical development will be a greater focus on "energy" medicine, bringing us full circle to the perennial puzzle, the one with which we began: the connection between mind, body and spirit and how we integrate between them to reach our fullest potential as human begins. This is the question that hatha yoga addresses, and the teaching is that by learning to speak with our body, we address our minds and souls, increasing the clarity and strength of each.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Yoga [http://yoga-guideto.com/]

Ashtanga Yoga

The meaning of Ashtanga is "eight limbs" in Sanskrit, and refers to the eight limbs of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Ashtanga Yoga was taken from a very ancient text called the Yoga Korunta. The Yoga Korunta described an exclusive system of Hatha Yoga developed by Vamana Rishi.

With this form of Ashtanga Yoga, there are six different series through which a student progresses at his or her own pace. This type of Yoga entails daily Vinyasa flow practice, using Ujjayi breathing, Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Drishti.

Ashtanga Yoga is known to help realign the spine, as well as detoxify the body, and also builds strength, flexibility and stamina. In addition, it can strengthen the nervous system.

With Ashtanga Yoga there are three different levels. The main series is the first and its goal is to align the body and help get the toxins out. The second series is used to clean and open the energy channels, which help cleanse the nervous system. The last series is for those who are advanced and is used to measure power and grace.

Ashtanga Yoga is an extremely popular style of Yoga. It is an energetic, athletic method of practice, and is a form of Yoga attractive to those who like a sense of order and who may also like to do things independently.

Practicing Ashtanga Yoga has shown to provide many benefits, including relieving the pain of stiff and sore muscles, as well as joint pain. Your muscles become more flexible and toned which adds to the overall good of your health.

The physical benefits of Ashtanga Yoga are great, but there are also mental and emotional benefits as well. When practicing this form of Yoga you built on your ability to focus mentally and release negative energy. The final result is that you are rid of bad tension, both physically and mentally.

If you have been looking for the right Yoga for you, Ashtanga Yoga may be exactly what you have been searching for. This form of Yoga is therapeutic and rehabilitative and can be practiced at your own pace, at your own fitness level, therefore making it perfect for both beginners and those who are advanced in other types of Yoga.

If you are unsure if Ashtanga Yoga is right for you, try observing a class or renting an instructional video before committing to joining a class. It may also be advisable to talk with your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise routine.

With the proper precautions, you will find that Ashtanga Yoga is a fantastic way to get into shape and improve your health.

Thomas T is the owner of Yoga-Instruction.NET. Free information about Yoga Instruction.


Nude Yoga - Would You Try It?

Nude yoga is not a mainstream yoga form. It ignites great contradiction and controversy by way of challenging individual's ideas and customary ways of thinking. Although naked yoga is not suited to everyone, those practicing the art find their naked yoga classes an approach that aids in further developing and advancing their experience and unity of mind, body and soul.

So why substitute nude yoga as an alternative to the 'normal' everyday yoga class, and what really is the difference? In fact, the yoga poses are not any different to what you would find at your more common Hatha yoga or Bikram yoga classes, but you would be performing the usual poses completely naked. Although this may make many of us almost have a heart attack at the very thought, naked yoga is naked for a number of reasons.

Firstly, not only does it strip away competition and superficiality allowing you to focus more on your yoga than on what people around you are wearing, it also aids in developing self esteem for those individuals aspiring to become more comfortable with their body image. Performing yoga positions naked can also provide you with greater motion and flexibility as well as allowing you to achieve proper alignment during poses.

So how do you know if you are suited to this form of yoga and what should you be aware of prior to seeking out a naked yoga class? Generally speaking, the people that benefit from and enjoy nude yoga are individuals that enjoy trying out new things, aspire to improve their body image, want to learn more about yoga and most importantly understand that nudity in yoga has a very different meaning to that of sexuality and sexual behavior. It is very important to gather information about nude yoga centers or classes in your area prior to booking a session. Nude yoga should be run by a qualified yoga practitioner that is devoted to creating a safe and non-threatening environment. The atmosphere should be non-sexual in nature and the atmosphere should be a comfortable and relaxed one. In certain nude yoga classes lights are dimmed, clothes are removed as part of a yoga ritual and focus is always kept on the yoga practice and not those practicing around you. There are certain nude yoga classes that do not follow these guidelines and are groups that have changed the art into a sexual experience. If you are seeking yoga with a hint of sexuality, rather seek out information regarding tantric yoga or classes for couples in your area than joining the first group that you stumble on.

Wrapping up, Nude Yoga is not for everyone but for some it can aid in allowing one to accept one's body in a natural state and improve the body, mind and soul unity experience desired from yoga practice. I know that for many, even with understanding the benefits of Naked Yoga, the only time they may come close to a 90 minute class of naked yoga would be in the form of an embarrassing and shocking nightmare. The idea here is that you should choose a yoga class that suits you best and allows you to benefit from the art in a setting that makes you the most comfortable, whether it be naked or not.

Find health spas and more articles on Health and Wellness at: Spas at Health Spa Guru

2012年10月27日 星期六

Student Can Do Yoga to Soothe Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia

Campus Calm had the opportunity to speak with Bo Forbes about how yoga can be an effective treatment option for stressed-out students who may be suffering from anxiety, depression and insomnia. Forbes is a yoga teacher, clinical psychologist, and integrative yoga therapist with over seventeen years of clinical experience in mind-body healing. She is the founder of Elemental Yoga and Director of the Center for Integrative Yoga Therapeutics(TM), established in 2006, which offers innovative mind-body yoga therapeutics to clients in the Boston and New York areas. She has a master's degree in Social Sciences and a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology.

Campus Calm: How can yoga be beneficial for stressed-out students who are dealing with problems like depression, anxiety and insomnia?

Forbes: Yoga requires that you focus on your breath and on what you're doing in a certain posture. This focus helps you take your mind off what you're worrying about -- either anxiety-wise or depression-wise. The movement of an active yoga class -- the contraction and release of muscles -- can help you release the muscular tension that comes with anxiety and depression, helping you to discharge stress and balance your mood. That combination of movement, plus certain things that you do in the practice, plus the breath, really makes you focus and be totally in the present. You're not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. In addition, other forms of yoga that are non-active, such as Restorative Yoga, can also help.

Campus Calm: Some students go outside and run when they're stressed. How is it different to learn to slow down and do yoga?

Forbes: Again, it's that focus on the breath and what you're actually doing which helps you achieve body awareness. It's pretty life-changing, whereas if you're just doing a workout, or just running, you can still zone out in that running experience or in that workout. You can be not present and run ten miles. I think a lot of people do just that. A yoga class really demands that you be present on so many levels. Other than just a workout for the physical body, it's a mind-body workout.

Campus Calm: How can yoga help students develop a positive body image?

Forbes: Two of the central principles of yoga are contentment, and being in the moment. Yoga is about accepting yourself in the moment. The fringe benefits of yoga are that when people start to feel stronger and more flexible, they value their bodies more for what they can do rather than what they look like. That's one major way to develop a positive body image.

Campus Calm: Isn't it true that yoga helps you practice gratitude for your body?

Forbes: That's a nice thought but I don't know if that's the goal of yoga. I think some people may say that happens. There can be a problem with yoga in America today in that, like in other endeavors, there's an emphasis on having that perfect, thin yoga body. We still have that to worry about. Many women who take classes will compare themselves to the size of the other women. Still, one of the guiding principles of yoga is contentment and acceptance- and gratitude can be an extension of that contentment.

Campus Calm: Can you explain what being "mindful" means and how students can live mindfully even when they have a demanding academic course load?

Forbes: Mindfulness is really about focusing on the present, what you're doing in the present moment rather than waiting for some time in the future when you can enjoy something. It's about being really aware and really focused on what you're doing in the present -- no matter if you're washing dishes, working on a paper, or sitting in class. And being present can be extremely demanding.

What goes along with that is putting a value judgment on different kinds of time. Time that you spend out with friends, for example, you often value more than time that you're spending studying. If you apply that same focus, mindfulness and real aliveness in the present that you might have with friend to your studies ... you'll feel better, more vibrant; and it will enhance your schoolwork as well.

Campus Calm: You wrote, "It's so easy to fall into the trap of doing too much, ignoring our own needs, and ending up in meltdown mode." How can students avoid this and learn how to make a conscious intention to take care of themselves every day?

Forbes: I think just by carrying that intention -- to practice the art of self-care -- everyday is the first step. It's important to acknowledge that self-care has a value. Many Americans believe that the harder we work, the more productive we are.

Taking time-outs to sharpen the saw -- to rejuvenate your mind and body, can actually improve your productivity on the other end. It's really about appreciating the value of self-care.

Campus Calm: Students grow & learn when they are able to block out the world's expectations and instead listen to what they really want out of life. How can yoga help students learn how to focus and how to develop an inner dialogue that leads to internal awareness?

Forbes: Yoga is about quieting that external stuff -- what the world expects of us -- and moving inward. The more you are focused inward, quieting your mind, being present, and moving your body in a certain way, the more you are able to get in touch with your inner truths. And the more apt you are to create and maintain a productive dialogue with your inner voice, as opposed to someone else's.

Campus Calm: In one of your articles, you said, "A personal crisis can be a gift on the path to spiritual maturity." Can you explain that further and discuss how a student's attitude in adjusting to the challenges of college life could help him or her develop a strong sense of self that will serve them their entire lives?

Forbes: Ever crisis is an opportunity for growth -- to be stronger and to mine our own internal resources. If things are always easy, we don't realize that we can rise to the occasion. A crisis helps us to dig deep within, to connect with something really strong inside us. And yoga helps us to develop that inner strength, so we can call upon it when we need to.

Campus Calm: Can yoga, in some cases, be more effective than prescription medicines in treating anxiety, insomnia and depression?

Forbes: Many of my students have used a yoga program, under supervision from a yoga specialist and their physician, to go off antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. It's a complex process that involves a combination of active yoga and restorative yoga.

Restorative yoga is a great way to address anxiety and depression. For people with anxiety and depression, they have a lot of imbalances in the nervous system. The nervous system is either on hyper-alert all the time or it might be under-functioning.

Restorative yoga's extraordinary combination of breathwork, internalization of the senses, calming of the mind, relaxation of the physical body, and passive stretching help soothe the nervous system. It subdues the "fight or flight" response characteristic of anxiety, insomnia, and chronic stress, while activating the "resting and digesting" response of the parasympathetic nervous system, resulting in mental calm and physical release. It's a whole different process from active yoga. Chances are there's a restorative yoga class somewhere in the city that you live in. Once you learn it, you can do it in your dorm room or wherever you are.

Maria Pascucci is the President of Campus Calm - the award-winning online forum for today's stressed-out students, parents and educators. Download the FREE Stress-Less Kit with 4 free gifts at ([http://www.freecampusreport.com/]).

Yoga Benefits For All

Yoga is considered an art that helps with the development of your spirit, mind, and body. If you continue practicing yoga over a period of time, it will give you the contentment you have been searching for. Yoga is achieved through exercise, breathing, and meditation.

Practicing yoga helps to improve many body systems such as circulatory, digestive, skeletal, metabolic, respiratory, muscular, nervous, and lymphatic. Yoga also helps to stabilize your emotions and keep your mind clear. It not only focuses on your physical being, but also your mental and spiritual growth.

You do not have to be a certain age to practice yoga. Yoga can be practiced by anyone, but is most beneficial to people 30 years and older. Yoga gives you the energy you need for a healthier and more vigorous future.

To be successful at yoga, you must perform the exercises on a regular basis, start out slowly, and most of all stick with it. Yoga is best practiced under the guidance of a certified teacher. The instructor can correct you if you are not performing the poses to gain maximum benefit and he or she can also help you work out at the right pace.

When practicing yoga, be sure to dress comfortably. Many yoga students prefer to go barefoot. A typical yoga outfit consists of leotards or a body stocking. You can find these outfits in a variety of colors at your local sports store.

For indoor exercises, find a comfortable room in your home. If you are doing your workout on a carpeted floor, you will not need equipment, even though some people prefer to use a mat.

Types of Yoga

Today there are many types and styles of yoga. You may find a style you prefer from the two listed below.

Hatha yoga ("Ha" meaning sun and "Tha" meaning moon) is the yoga type better known in the west. This style is preferred among new yoga students. With so many benefits including simple poses and the option to perform at your own pace, Hatha is just what you need to help you relax at the end of a hectic day. In addition, Hatha yoga is a great means for clearing your mind and giving you a longer, healthier life.

Kundalini yoga, introduced to the West in 1969, is fairly new to the United States.This type of yoga focuses on healing and cleansing the mind and body. It involves poses, breathing, chanting, and meditation. Kundalini yoga also releases energy at the base of the spine and draws it up through the body. This energy is often referred to as a snake coiled up at the end of the spine.

Beyond the physical benefits, Kundalini yoga is considered one of the most spiritual types of yoga exercise. Individuals who are truly devoted to this type often wear white robes and head wraps.

Thai Yoga Massage

Besides using yoga as an exercise, did you know that this ancient practice can also be used in massage? The origin of Thai Yoga Massage can be traced back thousands of years to India and the spread of Buddhism.

The Thai Yoga Massage consists of gentle movements given by the therapist with the hands, feet, knees, and legs, along with a massage that releases the energy and helps it to flow freely. This free-flow of energy helps to relieve back pain, menstrual pain, headaches, stress. Also, this oriental massage increases energy and improves circulation. Both the giver and receiver are blessed by this massage and each one reaps the benefits.

Yoga as a Healing Tool: Reiki Energy

Many students today who are interested in yoga may have heard of Reiki energy healing or medicine. The word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy. It is a form of healing through the use of natural forces, given the name Chi by ancient Chinese mystics. This form of yoga is known as a hands-on art. Practitioners use the laying of the hands as well as gestures in the air to channel the energy. Reiki brings back and balances the energy in your body.

Experts normally agree that Reiki is very simple to use and can be learned easily. In order for the life force energy to work, the recipient has to be willing to accept change and turn away from their old habits. Such is the case in most healing methods.

Which Yoga Practice is Right for You?

Whether you want to participate in yoga, have a massage, or try energy healing, remember it is your decision. Everyone is different and you must decide for yourself. If you are still hesitant, do some research online or check with your local yoga instructor to find more answers.

Jean Pardue is a freelance travel writer and can be contacted at speed-writer@hotmail.com . She travels with her husband, Bob Pardue, who is a stock travel photographer. http://www.parduephotos.com

Yoga Today - Modern Yoga Practice

Yoga is a form of exercise derived from ancient Hindu practice. It strengthens and stretches the body using poses called asanas. It can also help reduce stress, and help people find inner peace. It's used by some modern Hindu practitioners as an aid towards attaining enlightenment.

It's important to remember that yoga is more than just a series of exercises. It applies to the body, but also to the mind and spirit. Yoga derives from philosophies meant to help practitioners attain harmony and spiritual insight. The word is derived from a Sanskrit term meaning to join. The same word may also be related to the word referred to the yokes worn by oxen, and may be the ancestor of our modern words "junction" and "juxtapose".

There are many different schools of yoga, each with its own beliefs and practices. Here are the five most common types of yoga. Remember that there are plenty of other options that aren't listed here.

Hatha Yoga is the most popular school of yoga, and has been taught commonly in the West for a number of years. This type of yoga focuses on the perfection of the mind through the perfection of the body. It uses many breathing techniques, meditative techniques, and asanas.

Ashtanga Yoga is another popular type of yoga. It's performed much more quickly than most other schools, and is almost a form of aerobic yoga. Smooth, but speedy transitions between poses are a focus.

Kundalini Yoga focuses on the awakening and focusing of what's called kundalini energy. This energy is frequently referred to as a type of life energy lying dormant inside us, and may be represented by a coiled serpent.

Mantra Yoga is based around the discipline of calming body and mind using sounds and words. You may be familiar with the chant of "om". This is a common mantra used by this school of yoga.

Tantra Yoga is famous, or infamous, for its focus on spirituality through sexuality. Like Kundalini Yoga, this school also focuses on kundalini energy, but has a different intent and different methods for awakening it.

No matter which school you choose, you'll find that yoga is a rich and satisfying practice. It can benefit most people, no matter what their age, if practiced regularly. Asanas may be adapted to deal with injuries and other physical limitations, making yoga a worthwhile form of exercise for people who can't do other types.

There are traditionally eight fundamental paths to yoga: Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Purna Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Ashtanga or Raja Yoga, and Maha Yoga. However, in the Western world, when you hear yoga mentioned, it's usually in reference to Hatha Yoga. In Hindu practice, yoga's ultimate goal is liberating the soul from the cycle of death and rebirth, as well as from worldly suffering. Through yoga, it is believed to be possible to master the mind, body, and emotions, and to transcend desire.

Want to learn more about how yoga can change your life? Check out Sarah Russell's new book - The Beginner's Guide to Yoga and Meditation - at:


2012年10月26日 星期五

Easy And Advanced Yoga - What Is The Difference?

Most westerners usually wince when they the subject of yoga is brought up. All they see is complicated poses done by yoga practitioners. But there is easy yoga and the advanced level, so everyone who is interested can pick it up. Both easy and advanced yoga are formed thousands of years ago in India to assist practitioners achieve balance and harmony in their life. With a balanced and harmonious body, it is easy to be one with the universe.

Yoga is never religious although it was passed down from traditional Hindu sacred document. Easy yoga poses can be obtained from classes, self-help books, self taught videos or DVDs but it is better to begin learning from a qualified yoga teacher. You will then pick up all the proper yoga poses.

Yoga lessons can be tailored for children, pregnant women, senior citizens, etc as easy yoga is not at all difficult to pick up. Exercises keep your body fit and healthy and easy yoga fits the bills as it can be done in relax and joyful approaches.

As your muscles grow suppler, you will experience a growing confidence in addition to rejuvenation, reassurance and relaxation. As a form of meditation, it can help reduce stress and frustrations as well as getting healthy.

Beginners can practice yoga by following few basic steps and from there you can fully understand and garner the many benefits of yoga. Through practicing beginning yoga, you will feel emotionally and physically better.

Initially you will have to pick up the dissimilar features of yoga and the differing types. The philosophy of yoga needs to be learned as well, including the breathing techniques that will assist you in relaxation so as to attain stability to be able to acquire a right frame of mind to do intense meditation.

As you started off with beginning yoga, you will have to experience many levels of yoga and from there build up capability to sense what can be done from one level to another. Altogether there are eight levels and you need to be able to overcome each to achieve insight to a greater life. It is necessary to observe the morals and ethics of yoga in order to lead healthy life.

One of the many benefits of beginning yoga is its curative purposes and it can better your mental and physical well being. Your body will become suppler and you will be able to move about easily and you will also gain muscles and a well toned body. The mental aspects will be a reduction in stress level with increasing consciousness and calmness of mind in addition to concentrating better.

Advanced yoga is taught not to show off but one of the main attribute is humility. Yoga lessons create harmony between mind, body and soul. Although it can be learn from DVDs, books, magazines, etc, do not attempt it if you are not familiar as it is more difficult that envisage. Advanced yoga is for those experienced practitioners and Pilates can be useful too, even though Pilates focus on body and not mind and soul.

Advanced yoga is a gradual build up from easy yoga but there is more than meet the eyes as building up your ethics and morals as well as staying calm and be able to take what life throws at you and follow god's guidance.

Advanced yoga can muster the mind to walk on broken glasses or through fire and even went without food for days, be clairvoyance and even levitate. But that is not what advanced yoga encourages as it is to be unified with the universe and show you the direction in life.

Another difficult type of yoga is the power yoga and it can be thought of as similar to karate. Even with experience in martial art instructions, you might not be sufficiently prepared to take on power yoga.

Power yoga require total dedication as the training can be intensive but it make little sense as yoga is understood to be relaxing and calming to the mind and body. But power yoga is very physical in nature.

Power yoga is all about fitness and complements the usual stretching, balance and focus; it helps in your blood circulation. The reason is more oxygen is propelled to the muscles, thus improving energy level.

Power yoga is the best way to keep fit and with this, it will help you to grow old with poise and not rapidly. Picking the techniques of power yoga is not enough, you need to practice consistently or your fitness level will drop. Sticking to a firm schedule daily is essential even with distractions. This is what discipline is all about.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit free yoga exercises to learn what is yoga and history of yoga.

Yoga - Its True Meaning and Purpose

Although yoga is practiced in the U.S. by more people than ever before, there is still a great deal of misinformation in the West about the true nature and purpose of this sacred science. Most people associate yoga with the physical practice of postures, called "asanas." But this is like saying that your hand is your thumb without any regard for the other four fingers. The physical practice of asanas is just one of eight limbs that constitute the entire practice of yoga...or, to be exact, Kriya Yoga.

So what is Kriya Yoga? It's difficult to explain Kriya Yoga without first defining Yoga.

Yoga is a state of consciousness in which all fluctuations of the mind have ceased. In other words, your mind is free of thoughts and emotions. In this state, we perceive our true Self --the source of all creation--the knower of the known. This source of creation has different names depending upon the religious tradition. For example, among its names are: "God," "Reality," "Self," "Brahman," "the Hidden Essence," and the "Buddha nature."

So the ultimate goal of yoga is to attain a direct experience with the source of creation. Of course, there are interim goals as well, like more peace, balance, and contentment.

Kriya Yoga is the process--the action steps that you take to attain yoga. The Sanskrit word "Kriya" is derived from the root "kri" meaning "to do." In Sanskrit grammar, verbs are called "kriyas." So Kriya Yoga is fundamentally an action; it is not a religion. Rather, it is a set of techniques that have been transmitted orally from teacher to student for thousands of years. The Indian sage, Patanjali, was the first to document this oral tradition. He organized the techniques of yoga in four short books, known as the Yoga Sutras.

Patanjali offers the following definition of yoga: "Yoga is the cessation or inhibition of the fluctuations and variations of the mind." The only type of yoga that is mentioned in the Sutras is Kriya Yoga. In Book II, Patanjali says: "Kriya Yoga is self-discipline, self-study and attunement to the indwelling Reality."

He describes yoga as an eight-step process, known as the eight limbs. In Sanskrit, the eight limbs are called Ashtanga (ash=eight and anga=limbs). They involve disciplining the mind and body to break one's identification with the false self (the egoic mind) so you can awaken to your true Self.

Though Kriya Yoga encompasses all eight limbs, its emphasis is on karma. Karma is defined as the law of causation. Everything you experience in your life is the result of something you have thought, said, or done. In order to attune to "the indwelling Reality" we must first bring ourselves into balance. To bring ourselves into balance, we practice the eight limbs of yoga and other kriyas (actions) to help us neutralize our karma and gain control over the creative forces of our mind. This is the practice of Kriya Yoga, which leads to Yoga.

The practice of Kriya Yoga is linked to an Indian philosophy of how the universe is wired, called "Shankya Yoga." Thus, Kriya Yoga is the practice; Shankya Yoga is the theory. Though Kriya Yoga is linked to this philosophy, it is important to note that Kriya Yoga recognizes that there is Truth in each religious tradition and that each soul is where it needs to be to evolve. Kriya Yoga, however, does not require submission to a set of doctrines or to a particular individual or temple. Instead, it strives to develop independence in the individual, rather than dependence upon something that is external. The only dependence should be to the Truth, which is within each and every individual. It's just eclipsed by our thoughts and emotions. We need to get our selves out of the way so we can see our true Self. And the method for doing so is Kriya Yoga!

Laura Svolos is a Swami of Kriya Yoga, a spiritual life coach and teacher, and an energy practitioner of sound & color therapy. For those interested in learning more about her coaching and how she helps individuals to apply principles of Eastern spiritual wisdom in their lives, she offers free initial consultations. You may contact her at http://laurasvolos.com/

2012年10月25日 星期四

Beginner Yoga Class Checklist

If you're new to yoga, you might not know what to expect when you walk in the doors of a beginner's yoga class for the first time. You might not even know how to start in choosing a beginner's yoga class to attend. Here's a "how to" checklist.

1. Nail down your goals and find the right style for you.

Everyone comes to yoga for different reasons. Sometimes these differences are slight, other times they're vast.

For instance, are you interested in an intense physical workout to throbbing music, or are you on more of a spiritual path towards (quiet) enlightenment? Are you attracted to yoga because of its health benefits, and if so, is it physical or emotional health you are most interested in?

Are you interested in the philosophy and rich traditions of yoga, or are you on the other extreme and wouldn't be caught dead reciting a mantra?

Whatever your personal needs and proclivities, there's a yoga for you. If several flavors of yoga are offered in your area, do your research online or in the library to find which style would be the best fit for you.

Once you know what it is you're looking for, you can set some goals. Call the teacher of the beginner yoga class you're considering and ask if your expectations are reasonable.

2. Choose a drop-in or series beginner yoga class

A drop-in yoga class allows you to pay-as-you go. There will likely be some turnover week to week as to which students show up for class. The teacher is likely to keep this class on the mild side, because students will be at such differing ability levels.

This may be just what you're looking for if you just want a taste of yoga but don't want to buy an expensive package of classes. This may also be a good choice for you if your schedule won't allow you to attend a class every week. Keep in mind there are significant drawbacks.

One, because the class is ongoing, you will never get to start at "the beginning." You may be a little lost at first while you learn the culture of the class. Also, drop-in beginner yoga classes tend to be repetitive.

A series yoga class is different in that you buy a set number of classes and each class builds on what you learned in the previous week. A good series class is repetitive only in that there is some review each time, but then the teacher introduces new material.

You can learn much more much faster in a series class, but again there are drawbacks. First, if you miss a class it may be difficult to make up the material that you missed. Also, you will be asked to pay for the whole series up front.

Take a look at your level of commitment, your schedule and your budget and decide whether a drop-in or a series class is better for your needs.

3. Make sure the teacher has adequate training.

Yoga is now a significant contributor to sports injuries. This can be attributed to two things: students pushing themselves too hard for perfection and inadequate training of instructors.

Don't be shy in asking your potential instructor about their background. There are certifications for teaching "gym yoga" that an instructor can get in a long weekend. A three day training is just enough to make someone dangerous. That's not to say that some of the people who start with such certifications don't turn out to be excellent instructors by dedicating themselves to practice and increasing their knowledge over the course of months and years.

There are of course people who teach yoga with no formal certification whatsoever, and though it might be difficult for these teachers to get liability insurance, there's nothing illegal about it. Keep in mind that yoga is a spiritual tradition thousands of years old, and the idea of giving someone a certificate for learning a few poses and breathing techniques would have been an odd idea indeed even seventy years ago. It is one thing to wake up one morning and decide to teach yoga with little to no experience. It is quite another to teach after living for years under the tutelage of a master yogi who just doesn't believe in certificates.

As a general rule, seek out yoga teachers with at the very least 200 hours of training. In the United States there's an organization called the Yoga Alliance that offers a registry of teachers who attended training programs that meet certain standards. Someone can have the Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) designation from the Yoga Alliance and still be a crummy teacher, but usually RYTs are a safe bet.

4. Look into additional costs of the yoga class.

Sometimes there are additional costs involved in taking a beginner's yoga class besides the registration fee. You may need to buy your own yoga mat, strap, or other props, for instance. In some classes you may need to buy certain books for study or even special clothing of a certain color.

It is important to know what the related costs are up front so that you and your bank account won't encounter any surprises later on.

I hope this checklist will help you find a beginner's yoga class that's right for you.

David Morgan is a Kripalu Yoga Teacher who offers Knoxville, TN yoga classes [http://www.yogaknoxville.com/]. Find out more about yoga for beginners [http://www.yogaknoxville.com/beginner-yoga-class-checklist-110/] on his web site and get a free relaxation recording by subscribing to his newsletter that covers yoga in Knoxville and the East Tennessee region.

Philosophy and Universal Principles of Yoga

Yoga is a powerful tool to help you blossom and reach your full human potential. The seeds are all within you, yoga is the water, the sunlight, the nutrients and the love they need in order to make your life vibrant, beautiful and full of sweet fragrance. It is not a religion, it is really a science with which to develop your body, mind and spirit. The ultimate goal of Yoga, which literally means, Union, is to reunite you with the Universal Source. You may call this Universal Source by any name you wish, God, Brahman, Allah, Christ Consciousness, Buddha Nature etc, Yoga is a pathway to bring you to the realization that you and this Universal Source are inseparably One.

There are many branches of Yoga, such as Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Laya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga to name a few. These all have the same one goal, unification with the Universal Source, but each follow a different path to get there. Depending on your personality one or the other path may suit you better.

Here is a description of some of the major branches of Yoga:

* Bhakti Yoga: Emphasizes love as the pathway to liberation and Union.

* Jnana Yoga: Emphasizes the intellectual and philosophical approach to penetrate the illusion of dualistic reality.

* Karma Yoga: Emphasizes right action and selfless service as the path to moksha (liberation).

* Kundalini Yoga: Emphasizes the activation of Kundalini Shakti for enlightenment.

* Raja Yoga: Considered the Scientific approach, this branch emphasizes Sage Pantanjali's 8 step path to Self-Realization.

In this article I will expand on Raja Yoga as that is perhaps the most prevalent and popular Yoga system in use today.

As indicated above Raja Yoga employs Sage Pantanjali's 8 step path to achieve Union with the Supreme. This 8 step system (ashtanga) compromises of the following parts. Yamas, Niyamas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and finally Samadhi. This 8 step path is designed to bring about physical, emotion and mental harmony; and in the advanced practices of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi lead to the cessation of thoughts allowing the mind to realize that Reality is indeed Singular, Whole and indivisible.

Here is a description of the 8 limbs of Raja Yoga:

1. Yamas: Yamas are abstensions. They are truth, nonviolence, control of sexual energy, nonstealing and noncovetousness.

2. Niyams: Niyams are observances. They are austerities, purity, contentment, study and egolessness.

3. Asanas: Steady postures and poses.

4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises and control of the vital energy.

5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the Senses.

6. Dharana: Concentration of the mind.

7. Dhyana: Meditation.

8. Samadhi: Union with the Supreme Consciousness.

The regular practice of Raja Yoga promotes health, happiness and insight. Although the ultimate goal of Yoga is Union with the Supreme, many material benefits are also obtained by its practice. Today, many ailments are treated via the use of Yoga asanas and pranayamas, and the stress reducing benefits of Yoga meditation are becoming more and more valuable to us given our hectic and frantic lifestyles. Furthermore, the principles of humility, truth and other high values that Yoga promotes are helping to offset some of the excessive materialism and greed that is eroding the peace and spirit of our society today.

The most important aspect of Yoga is that it is based on Self-Realization. In other words, you are given the tools required, and using them you bring about the necessary transformations in yourself to reach your true potential in life. It is now often said, that the next great teachers will arise from the West. This is because the West has an empirical approach to things, as opposed to superstition and blind faith. If something works it is embraced and utilized, if something does not prove to work, it is discarded as junk. This is probably the reason why Yoga has grown in such popularity here in the West, because it works. So dive in and reap the benefits.

Anmol Mehta is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Zen Teacher and author of the profound Silent Mind Meditation Program which is available for free at Mastery of Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and Zen. You will also find a wealth of insightful articles at Mastery of Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and Zen Blog, all geared to help you achieve your highest potential.

This article is available for reprint on your website and/or newsletter, provided it is not changed and you include the signature above.

Bikram Yoga - What Is It And Who Started It?

There are many types of yoga that you can do to help you get into shape or help you enhance your spirituality. The Bikram yoga is a physical type of yoga. It is more aerobic than other types are. Do you know who started this type of yoga? Who was Bikram yoga named after?

The Bikram yoga was founded by Bikram Choudhry. Bikram was born in 1946 in Kolkatta. During his life he became a disciple of Bishnu Gosh who is the brother of Paramahamsa Yogananda. He was very young when he became a disciple. He was only four years old at the time. He mastered the Hatha yoga technique, which allowed him to win the Indian yoga championship at a very young age. He retired an undefeated champion when he was very young.

Bikram went on to start many training centers for yoga under the direction of his master Bishnu Gosh. He later on in his life came up with his own system for yoga which became known as Bikram yoga.

When doing Bikram yoga you will do this type of yoga in a heated room. The temperature in this room is usually about ninety to one hundred degrees. This will help warm the body which in turns makes the postures that you are required to do much easier. The postures that you do with this type of yoga are done in twenty six postures. This yoga starts with standing postures, backward bends, forward bends and even twists. You will do each posture twice. In order to do the full routine for Bikram yoga it will take you about ninety minutes.

This type of yoga may not be the right type for you. Someone that is physically fit will be able to do the Bikram yoga with ease. However, when you are not in such good shape you might want to start with another type of yoga. Then when you have made your body stronger you will be able to attempt this type of yoga.

You want to make sure that you find out all you can about Bikram yoga so that you will know if it is right for you. You need to know what it is about and whether you can handle it. You don't want to do this yoga or any other yoga without first knowing what you will be doing. So take the time needed to find out about Bikram yoga before you attempt it.

Get more benefits from yoga by visiting Hot-Yoga-Tips.com where you will find yoga related information, tips, advice and resources to include yoga for men, women and the different branches of yoga.

2012年10月24日 星期三

Knoxville Yoga Offers Variety

Knoxville, Tennessee is home to a growing community of yoga enthusiasts, including many excellent yoga teachers. This is great news whether you're an advanced practitioner interested in trying out different yoga styles or you're a beginning yoga student shopping for your very first yoga class.

Whether your interest in yoga is for physical fitness, for the health benefits yoga offers any number of conditions and illnesses, or purely spiritual, you will surely find a yoga style and teacher you like with a little shopping.

The number of yoga styles and traditions can be daunting, so here is a list of what yoga you can find in Knoxville, TN with a brief description. To find a studio that offers what you think you'd prefer, simply search on Google or your preferred search engine.

Ashtanga Yoga: Ashtanga is one of the more athletic forms of yoga still rooted in tradition, emphasizing movement through a prescribed series of postures.

Hatha yoga: Hatha literally means 'forceful,' though it is often attributed to gentle yoga in the West. Any form of yoga incorporating body postures and breath control could be said to be hatha yoga, including all the other types of yoga listed in this article.

Iyengar yoga: Iyengar yoga emphasizes precise alignment of the body while holding postures.

Kripalu Yoga: Kripalu Yoga integrates yoga postures and breathing with meditation, making it as much an inward experience as it is an outward exercise. Classes range from gentle to vigorous.

Kundalini Yoga: Kundalini Yoga is an intense combination of purifying, energetic movements with breathing and chanting to awaken energy centers called chakras.

Prenatal and Momma-Baby yoga: Yoga can enhance a healthy birth and keep mom in shape afterwards.

Vinyasa yoga: Vinyasa, flow, and power yoga is the movement from one posture to the next connected by the breath. Usually the flow is based on the sun salutation and the pace of movement between poses is fairly fast, but that is not always the case. The classroom is sometimes heated for increased flexibility and body purification.

Yin Yoga: Yin Yoga targets the connective tissue - tendons, ligaments, and cartilage - for increased flexibility. Postures tend to be held for longer periods as a restorative technique.

Best wishes in finding the right yoga class for your particular needs, and welcome to the Knoxville yoga community!

David E. Morgan teaches Knoxville yoga [http://www.yogaknoxville.com/knoxville-yoga-114/] classes. See his yoga class schedule and sign up for his mailing list at Yoga with Santosh [http://www.yogaknoxville.com/yoga-classes] The next complete beginner series is enrolling now, and no previous knowledge or experience is required to join.

Yoga Teacher Training: Am I Too Old to Become a Yoga Teacher?

All too frequently, I am asked by middle-aged or senior students, who aspire to become a Yoga teacher, "When is the best time to become a Yoga teacher?" Has the window of time passed for this opportunity, and is a younger Yoga instructor better suited to teach Yoga to the public?

Some of these veteran Yoga students have decades of experience, but feel intimidated by the "young hard bodies." This is a deep subject, so let's take a closer look at what holds some of us back from becoming a Yoga teacher.

The following three issues are worth mentioning at this point:

1. Is Hatha Yoga strictly a physical practice?

2. If Hatha Yoga were an exercise class, the value of a "coach" is worthy of note.

3. There are so many Yoga students over 40 years of age, who desire a knowledgeable, mature, and careful Yoga teacher.

Is Hatha Yoga strictly a physical practice? No - Hatha Yoga covers mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects, as well as the physical aspects of life. The public has been duped by pretzel asanas (postures) on the covers of magazines.

If you never studied Yoga, you might not know better, but I am surprised when a student, with ten or more years of practice, still sees asana as the "Holy Grail" of Hatha Yoga. Asana is very valuable, but does not govern Hatha Yoga.

Pranayama (cultivation of life force through breath) is the ruler of body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Pranayama keeps you healthy in all aspects of existence, and Pranayama governs many asana techniques. If you cannot breathe correctly, asana performance can be very frustrating - when folding, balancing, or twisting. Pranayama makes mudra (gestures), and bandha (locks), purification of the nadis (energy channels), and meditation, much more powerful.

However, Pranayama is not the only aspect of Hatha Yoga. It is just one of the many aspects mentioned within the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Maharishi Patanjali mentions eight limbs within the Yoga Sutras. Asana is just one of the eight limbs of Yoga, but asana can be seen, and can be performed, to impress the public.

Would the public be impressed by Samadhi (the settled mind)? You already know the answer - The general public is impressed by the superficial aspects of Yoga, but Yoga is much more than one aspect.

If Hatha Yoga were simply an exercise class, the value of a "coach" is still worthy of note. The definition of a "teacher" in most languages is, "One who has been there before."

When you can teach a Yoga student how to perform an asana technique correctly, but you cannot perform the same asana perfectly, that is a part of being a teacher. The fact is - you understand the mechanics as good as anyone.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. http://www.riyoga.com He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

The Physical And Mental Exhileration Of Practising Yoga

An excellent way of keeping fit is to practice yoga and if you're looking something that's exhilarating both physically and mentally for body and mind then the advantages of practising yoga is for you. Basically to practice yoga all you need is yourself, a yoga mat, a good teacher at a yoga studio to learn and an open mind.

Various Tools Available For Purchase To Enhance Your Yoga Practise Sessions

The yoga mat is a must to begin and is used to provide cushioning for your body and once you become more proficient in your yoga poses you may not choose to use one. At most yoga studios a mat can usually be hired, it's a good idea to have your own as you don't want to be bothered with other peoples sweat etc. A good yoga mat will cost approximately twenty Euro and up, this price shouldn't sway your commitment in deciding to go ahead. You may want to consider purchasing two yoga mats, if you're going to do yoga at home you'll need one there too. Yoga mats do come in various types i.e. thick-mats, sticky-mats, travel-mats, extra-long-mats etc., so make sure to purchase the one that suits you best.

With some yoga poses you may need yoga props such as blocks which are generally made of bamboo or foam and are reasonably priced at under ten euros. If your new to yoga a dvd or cd could be a good idea so you can practice your yoga at home too. These yoga lessons on dvd or cd are priced at anything between fifteen to fifty Euro. Meditation cushions are also available at reasonable prices, but are not essential to start practising yoga.

The Benefits of Practising Yoga

One of yoga's many benefits is that it will help to increase your ability to find your space, harmony, inner peace and ease within your body and mind. But yoga can also help ease aches and pains in all parts of the body - for example; one of the places where we often have tightened tendons is around the shoulders and neck area, which often causes headaches, practicing yoga can loosen up tight muscles and tendons and alleviate those annoying headache.

Yoga Poses For Beginners

There are many yoga poses, each one being helpful for any number of ailments, aches, pains and stress. No need to be overwhelmed or put off, you'll learn the poses as you go and as your yoga is hopefully going to be a lifelong pursuit, you'll have lots of time to learn. As your practice of yoga progresses, you'll become less overwhelmed and be comfortable taking on more of the challenging poses, but as a beginner, it's a good idea to keep your yoga practice simple. However, don't jump right into any fancy yoga exercises before you've been to a few yoga classes. It can take years to learn the various yoga positions, but there are exercises that are appropriate and helpful for beginner students too.

A few standing yoga poses for beginners - both in English and Sanskrit include the following:

Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha

Downward-Facing Dog is an all-round yoga pose, which is a rejuvenating stretch. A few of the benefits of this pose are that it calms the brain and helps relieve stress, energizing the body as well as it stretches the shoulders, calves, arches, and hands.

Extended Sides Angle Pose - Utthita Parsvakonasana

Extended Sides Angle Pose is used to create a stretch along the top side of the body, from the back heel through the raised arm. The need to match a stretch along the underside of the torso is often neglected.

Pyramid Pose Intense Stretch Pose - Parsvottanasana

The Pyramid Pose is said to strengthen and stretch the entire leg and back regions, strengthens and tones the abdomen; improves the digestive system, massages the liver and stomach and improves the complexion, hair, eyes and cools the brain.

Mountain Pose - Tadasana

The Mountain Pose is said to be named so as it promotes the experience of stillness, strength, relaxed power, and immovable stability associated with mountains.

Of course there many, many more yoga poses for beginners, these will get you started and you can get the feel of it. Yoga can be invigorating even if using it's practice just to obtain physical fitness but it can bring more insight into yourself, those around you and a deeper understanding into life itself. A true instrument of learning that anyone can learn and take pleasure in.

Being one of life's senior's - fitness training doesn't necessarily come as easy to us as the younger generations. Learn more about getting into the swing of healthy living, fitness training and what's available on the Fitness Equipment market.

2012年10月23日 星期二

Yoga - Supplies Make A Difference

Loose-fitting and comfortable clothing are the most popular yoga supplies because some Asanas (yoga postures) demand a freedom of movement not offered by tight clothing.

Asanas are yoga-postures that promote a healthy internal body, increase muscle flexibility, tendon strength, and stamina.

Most yoga supplies are unnecessary or supplementary at best to a successful workout. The practice is designed to physically connect body and mind, but anything that makes a workout more comfortable and effective is worthwhile. Each yoga instructor will have his or her own style and equipment, whether it's inherited from their teacher or created as a melding of styles.

Instructors might also recommend mats/mat bags, blocks (adds strength/stability to postures), cushions, grips, and relaxing music/DVDs.

A yoga mat is a slender piece of foam rubber protecting the sharp angles of your body from the floor. While not strictly necessary, floor poses are going to be very painful without a yoga mat to provide a little padding.

A yoga mat bag protects your yoga mat from getting dirty or torn. It also provides a handy carrying case when you take your mat to and from yoga class. Even if you just practice yoga in our own home, a bag can still serve as a convenient way to store your mat when not in use.

Yoga balls allow you a range of stretching you couldn't normally achieve without this type of support. The balls are effective because not only do they stretch you well, but they also keep your back from being injured during the stretch. As with any method in yoga, it is wise to see the yoga ball stretches demonstrated for you before you try them on your own. Whether this demonstration comes from an instructor or an instructional DVD is up to you.

In addition to the mat, yoga balls and the yoga mat bag, there are a number of other useful and popular yoga supplies.

Yoga DVDs are a great way to stay in practice if you cannot afford daily lessons. Yoga DVDs are also great yoga supplies for beginners. They provide ongoing structure and encouragement to those practicing yoga.

Yoga blocks or grip blocks are two other pieces of equipment that can enhance and advance your yoga practice. Grip blocks are a wrist-stress reliever for certain poses, such as the "downward dog" pose. They are designed to bear your full body weight in place of your wrists.

Blocks also allow for deeper stretches and can expand your range of poses. To prevent serious injury, it's a good idea to view a demonstration of how to use yoga blocks before trying to use them yourself or you could get hurt. If your yoga instructor doesn't use or demonstrate blocks to you, blocks are usually sold with at least written instructions on how to use them. In this case, try to find blocks accompanied by instructional DVDs.

Yoga blocks are made from a variety of materials such as cork, bamboo, and lightweight foam. Blocks, also called bricks, are great yoga supplies that offer enhanced poses and deeper stretches.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and health and fitness. Her background also includes teaching, gardening, and fashion. For more of her useful articles on yoga, please visit Yoga Supplies, home of articles about yoga mats, yoga clothing, and more.