Yoga at last is coming into its own in the Western world. After many years of being dismissed as a bizarre activity attractive only to eccentrics, it is today recognized as an art and skill. When one mentions the term "yoga" people conjure up different images, from impossible poses to mystiques and yogis. Whatever the image, it is mostly considered irrelevant to our wellbeing, and even more so to our diet. Here I would like to argue that yoga is beneficial to your diet because of three major reasons.
#1 Yoga promotes health and fitness
Yoga is basically a series of physical exercises. The physical aspect of yoga promotes both flexibility and strength along with cardiovascular health. Being an old practice, Yoga has branched into many different sorts and types, Each promotes different muscle groups. Various yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body. For example, the "Tree Pose" (or: "Vriksha Asana") works on your thighs, calves, ankles, and spine. It improves sense of balance and Stretches the groins and inner thighs, chest and shoulders. Even though it is not a natural calorie burning sports, it can be done in ways that will definitely help you burn fat. But most importantly, yoga will help you change your overall lifestyle and thus help you reach your weight loss goal.
#2 Yoga reduces stress and enhances well being
Our fast world can be exciting, but it can also be very demanding. Eventually, this high pace of living takes it's price in the form of stress. I've talked on other eBooks what are the dangers of stress: it impairs your judgment and enhances the chance of emotional eating, that is because stress induces automatic processes in our brain. In simple terms, while stressed your mind will try to sooth itself in the simplest way possible, for most of us that includes eating. Exercising yoga on a regular basis under the right guidance will reduce stress levels. Taking this time for yourself, slowing things down every once and a while will help you buffer some of the rush and keep you more focused on your diet.
#3 Yoga increases self awareness
Most yoga practices, preformed in a certain way, have a meditative aspect to it. Meditation is a spiritual endeavor: it enhances the ability for self reflection as well as emotional regulation. It makes you more aware to mind-body connections. By practicing yoga you can enhance your body awareness which will improve your diet. Practicing yoga will also increase your self control, which is a prominent part of dieting. Self awareness to your cravings, the reasons behind them and how best to deal with them will make your dieting experience much easier, as well as other aspects of your life. I hope I helped you understand why yoga is good for you. I recommend you to consider adding yoga to your overall weight loss program.
Go to a local gym or even try to look it up online: there are plenty of good books for to read if you want to begin practicing.
And don't worry, yoga can be practiced no matter your age or body structure.
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Good luck,
David H. Mason