Simple Yoga is all you need to create an excellent health-base to benefit all other sports and activities you enjoy. I have used simple Yoga techniques for 40 years and they have benefited me in my pursuit of high-level racquet sports, contact sports, outdoor activity, and many other fun pursuits. In this short article, I will show you how using and benefiting from an excellent, simple yoga plan will:
Increase core strength
Increase flexibility
Benefit body-mind balance
Generate self-control and clarity of mind
Ready to get started learning about the benefits of simple yoga? I will also give you some ideas and direction in terms of choosing your teacher or program when you arrive at the end of this article. I hope that you will have a solid, safe start to your Yoga experience.
Now, I am NOT a Yoga master or Yogi. Nope. I am a competent and confident user of this 5000 year old phenomenon, however. Without Yoga, I probably would not get out of bed in the morning. I have played some pretty rough sports like rugby and football at highly competitive levels, and now (being over 40) I am in need of a little 'oil in the joints' if you get my meaning.
Aches, pains, lethargy, depression... these are pretty common conditions amongst a lot of people in the world today. And each of these ailments are easily addressed through the use of simple Yoga techniques.
Super Short Background
Yoga dates back more than 5000 years and is a proven system of physical and mental exercise that increases physical health and mental well-being - some say spiritual health as well, but that is outside the scope of this article. At the basic levels, it is comprised of physical movements, postures, and breathing techniques. The word 'Yoga' basically means to bring together or balance in union. It is a wonderful way to center and control one-self and increase self-confidence.
The Basic Components:
Physical Movements and Postures. Broadly referred to as the use of 'asanas' for health, a simple yoga program will usually incorporate slow, graceful movements and poses that gently develop supple, strong muscles while slowly increasing flexibility. Back arches, bends, lunges, and many simple controlled stretches are part of the excellent basic Yoga program.
Breathing. When you start Yoga, you learn a lot about the vital importance of correct breathing. Now, I am pretty fit, and it might seem amazing to imagine sweating through 'breathing' alone! Simple Yoga breathing techniques get a lot of oxygen to your muscles and cells and work you out as well. The feeling of deep, controlled breathing is amazing and calming and very refreshing.
Meditation. The 'next' part of Yoga. Simple Yoga can bring the body into balance with the mind, and in doing so, things slow down. When done correctly and safely, Yoga diminishes stress and increases a sense of balanced well-being. Meditation - or the slowing and centering of calm thought - is a catalyst for these excellent benefits.
Where to and How?
There are easily thousands and thousands of resources available to the Yoga practitioner. I recommend two avenues to begin your journey.
The first is to find a reputable Yoga instructor or school in your community. I propose that you ask someone who is already benefiting from Yoga. They should look calm, relaxed, and in balance... if they do not, then find someone who is receiving the correct benefits from their simple yoga program.
The second is to look around for books or videos or combinations of both that promise to 'meet you' where you are. It is great to see a bunch of pictures of people standing on their hands and splitting their legs above their heads... but, that is not where you are. (It is not where I am or ever wish to be, either). Look for a program that incorporates an overview, the use of photos and short video clips with the written word. There are some brilliant programs out there that will bring you to the apex of your self-improvement initiatives.
Most important, though is to get started. Do so slowly, easily, and with someone or some guide that is experienced and confident. Simple yoga should be just that - simple. Yoga that is not begun easily and without stress should not be started at all.
All the best in your Yoga pursuits!
Learn Yoga [] and realize for yourself the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of this life-changing 5000 year old phenomenon.
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