The practice of yoga is a form of relaxation and exercise but also, in its purest form, is a preface to meditation, and as such has a deep spiritual meaning as well. Yoga is intended to refresh and clear the mind, body and heart and connect them into one effortlessly operating system. The origins of Namaste yoga can be found over five-thousand years ago in the country of India. Its arrival in the West around 20th century hailed a new age, and it quickly became very popular. Yoga is interested in creating connections within the self and Namaste yoga is a beautiful expression of those intimate connections. It should be noted that yoga is not considered to be either a dogma or a religion.
Namaste itself is a conventional greeting used in countries such as India. The word "namaste" can be loosely translated as "the divine within me greets the divine within you." The namaste greeting involves placing the palms of one hands together, near the heart, and bowing the head forward. This greeting is used as a sign of respect. "Namaste" is often spoken in the West, particularly in yoga classes, sometimes along with the gesture. However, the authentic version uses the gesture itself to signify Namaste.
Namaste has become associated with a style of yoga based on "Hatha Vinyasa" which means, again loosely translated, "moving with breath" and focuses on a harmonious merging of the mind and the body with the breath.
This ancient practice reputedly helps to deepen ones self-understanding, connect a person's mind with their soul and develop and maintain the body's strength and flexibility. Namaste yoga does not subscribe to the "pain is gain" conjecture and it is recommended that a person always pay attention to what their body can handle during practice and not press beyond their limit. Namaste Yoga advocates the nurturing of health, both physical and spiritual.
Psychological benefits of Namaste yoga include an improvement in mood, the ability to release stress and to cope better in stressful situations. It encourages positive thinking and improves learning efficiency, increases feelings of well-being, aids memory function and instructs a person on how to quiet the mind and focus positive energy. Some of the physical benefits of Namaste yoga are to aid the body's ability to rest as well as decrease blood pressure, promote cardio and circulatory health, improve respiratory systems, and help to balance the metabolism. It also assists the body by giving it additional energy and vitality, relieving pain, and greatly increasing flexibility. Further benefits are that it helps prevent illness and can also cause a person to look and feel younger.
Namaste Yoga is traditionally practiced in bare feet, as this will allow people to use their toes for balance and better root themselves to the floor. It is imperative that one be consistent when practicing Namaste yoga if one wishes to receive the full benefits and feel the improvements in the body, mind and spirit.
For beginners to practice Namaste yoga two times per week is an acceptable way to start, but three times a week should be the minimum goal. However often it is undertaken, practicing Namaste yoga is a wonderful way to get in touch with the inner self. As an added bonus, those who practice it will reap many gratifying health benefits along the way.