2012年6月19日 星期二

Sleep - Yoga

Designed to unify the body and mind, you will promote strength, good health and inner peace. It has many separate disciplines and can be invaluable in combating insomnia - even a beginner can reap the benefits. Central to effective yoga practice is learning to understand and gain control of your breathing. This can be of great help even when we don't combine it with the specific poses. Breathing helps us to calm anxieties and clear our mind and we find ourselves under pressure.

Although there are many yoga books and videos available, it is useful to attend a class while getting to grips with the basics. Once these basics are mastered, you can then do them pretty much where ever you like. If practised regularly, stamina, flexibility, muscle tone, strength and energy levels will all improve. The ability to calm the mind, into a relaxed state and improve your mood and sense of well-being will also be in your grasp.

Choosing the right class and exploring new forms are vital for anyone hoping to get the most from yoga. The main types are explained below:

· Hatha yoga is the most accessible type for a beginner to take up and you will find that many classes practice this form. 'Ha', meaning Sun, and 'tha', meaning moon, joined to mean 'union', and the practice is designed to unite physical and spiritual harmony, and promotes good physical health.

· Iyengar yoga is very precise, with 12 tightly controlled postures. It can appear slow and seemingly straightforward to the untrained eye, but it takes time to master and to find the correct balance. It is excellent for muscle tone, posture and peace of mind.

· Kundalini yoga includes chanting and breath work as well as postures. It is said to be the best form for those looking for a spiritual element. It is also good for prenatal women and those after a youthful appearance.

· Sivananda and Jivamukti yoga are more meditative forms, and include an incense scented ritual. Clearing the mind of stress is integral to these forms of yoga, so it is good for those hoping to alleviate worries and negative thought cycles.

· The most athletic form of yoga is Astanga yoga, which offers a cardiovascular workout. It has fat burning and toning results, but is very demanding and not always ideal for a beginner. It is, however, excellent for those with experience and who are looking for a bigger challenge.

· Bikram yoga uses the principle that heat will help aid movement and flexibility. The room is heated to around 38°C (100°F), and you sweat out all your toxins while getting your body into some amazing positions.

Unwinding the body is essential if you want to get a good night's sleep, so the following basic yoga posture for relaxation should help free up your mind and body.

The corpse

In yoga this pose is often practised between especially difficult poses and used to take the muscles and mind into a place of deep relaxation. Lie on the floor with your legs slightly apart in your arms are slightly outstretched. You should fill utterly natural, as if you have just flopped down on the grass in the sunshine. Avoid pointing your toes or clinching your fists. The back of your hand should be touching the floor and your palms should be pointing skyward. You may find that your muscles twitch or you want to stretch out your limbs, and this is the tension in your muscles making itself known. To combat this, try to imagine that you are extremely heavy and the floor is supporting you. You can lie as long as you like but stay for at least five minutes. This is also a useful pose for meditation.

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