2012年7月27日 星期五

Several Methods of Physical Exercise - Which Will Help Us Improve Shape?

Playing golf requires physical fitness, ability of concentration and also positive thinking and attitude. Here are methods of exercise, which will improve your physical fitness, and positively affect strength, shape and manner, in which you employ the abilities of your body, and also the mind and emotions.

1. Aikido practice is dominated by pursuit of physical development and learning proper ways of breathing. Emphasis is placed on relaxation and concentration of energy.

2. The Pilates system emphasizes improvement of posture and body balance. Muscles are also strengthened. Proper use of muscles in everyday activities will improve functioning of the entire body, and will also enhance mental performance: your concentration ability and clarity of thinking will benefit. As Pilates grows in popularity, Pilate classes are being offered not only at specialized studios but also at gyms, health clubs, spas, rehabilitation clinics, senior facilities and community centers around the world.

3. Hatha Yoga: Performing positions, which allow for attainment of perfect body functioning, leading to better control of the mind and emotions.

4. Judith Aston therapy: The purpose of this therapy is to assist people in determination and recognition of habitual movements, developed due to stress, and subsequently to use body "intelligence" to find easier and more effective behavior models.

5. Tai-chi: Art of motion-related meditation; covers the physical and mental sphere. Exercises improve powers of concentration, provides grace, relaxation and ability of concentration.

The benefits of Tai-chi are realized on several levels: as a physical exercise for fitness and health, as a tool to relieve stress, as a spiritual exercise.

For more information and golf training tips [http://www.seminarsnetworking.com] please visit : [http://www.seminarsnetworking.com]

Philip Vermer

