2012年6月20日 星期三

What is Hatha Yoga Devanand?

Hatha Yoga can boost our health, can help to overcome diseases same as preventing them. Yoga asanas which are physical postures can easily overcome serious ailments and illness such as Acidity, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Cold, Constipation, Coryza, Cough, Frigidity or Sterility, Diabetes, Gastritis, gout, insomnia, kidney problems, liver disorders, mental tension, nervous debility, nervous tension, obesity and so on.

Hatha Yoga Devanand is a discipline designed to obtain the highest level of training through psycho-physical exercises, breathing, concentration, visualization, relaxation, asanas (fixed postures) and a balanced diet. This discipline has a direct positive effect on the functioning of the cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular systems, muscle strength, resistance, flexibility, agility and physical composition. It is a system of complete detoxification and purification.

Designed by the Great Yogi Sage Swami Guru Devanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, its main purpose is to give the individual the opportunity to obtain and maintain a healthy mind and body. This program is regarded as one of the best physical training disciplines to assist in the treatment of illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, diabetes, obesity, headaches and many other symptoms and conditions. In addition to these advantages, our program is very useful in fighting infectious diseases such as AIDS, since it improves the overall functioning of the immune system.

Although the practice of Hatha Yoga has become very popular in the United States and the world, it is important to note that Hatha Yoga should be practiced under the direct supervision of an experienced and certified instructor. We do not suggest you to follow any online yoga course or DVD. The practice of advanced postures (asanas) without prior preparation might affect the functioning of the nervous system, resulting in physical and mental traumas.

The Hatha Yoga Devanand program designed by Swami Guru Devanand consists of three levels:


Body-Mind Exercises (Pre-Asanas) - 6 months to 1 year

Basic concentration, relaxation, mind-body balance and breathing techniques. Understanding of the benefits and contraindications of each of the 14 exercises that make up this level. Orientation aimed at the prevention of disease to obtain an optimum level of health through each exercise.

To obtain better results it is necessary to follow the directions of the Hatha Yoga Devanand instructor diligently in this, as well as in the other levels.


Basic and Intermediate Asanas - Minimum of 2 years

The student acquires greater mind-body control and balance, a higher level of flexibility, resistance, breathing capacity, relaxation and discipline. This level consists of 50 asanas that help to detoxify and purify the nadis (energy channels) and the blood, regulating the functioning of the endocrine glands.

For this level it is necessary to follow a natural and balanced diet, breathing control and mental training through Mantra Yoga Meditation, in addition to a complete mastery of the First Level of Pre-asanas.


Advanced Asanas - 3 to 5 years

Advanced mind-body control. Increase in the levels of flexibility, resistance, breathing capacity, relaxation and physical detoxification. This level concentrates on asanas considered by Swami Guru Devanand as the most important. When the students follow the instructions of the Hatha Yoga Instructor faithfully, they will obtain true peace, love and harmony, thus filling their life with happiness.

Note: None of the information on the Hatha Yoga Devanand Program is to be considered as medical advice. The benefits attributed to the practice of Yoga have been documented throughout time, are based on a direct personal experience, and come from centuries-old traditions. Results will vary with individuals. Consult your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program.

c Copyright 2009 - Devanand Yoga Center Dominican Republic

Devanand Yoga Center has been teaching Yoga Devanand since 1971 and is part of a more than 5,000 years Yogic tradition.

Courses and training on Mantra Yoga Meditation and Hatha Yoga Devanand either for individuals or business people, are open now. Also ask for our Vegetarianism cooking workshops, How to eliminate stress and improve concentration seminars, Yoga retreats and much more.

Free Yoga and life purpose lectures every Sundays starting at 10:00 AM, free entrance, it includes vegetarian lunch, fruits and juice, call us for more information.

