2012年9月26日 星期三

"Get Over It" - Anger, Ayurveda, and Yoga

"Get over it" says a well meaning friend, unknowingly stoking the raging fire burning within me. Why am I angry? Well, I'm not really sure.

Of course I could come up with half a dozen little things that I'm not happy with at the moment, and then we could go into the influence of cellular memory, past life baggage or any number of subtle forces that may or may not be contributing factors.

But really I have no solid reason to be angry. I just am.

Sound familiar? Maybe for you it isn't anger. Maybe it's anxiety or sadness. You see, these feelings are our imbalanced states of being human. They're not fun, and they're not actually all that necessary, though like everything else in life we can learn from them. Very occasionally these feelings are appropriate, yet not nearly as often as the average person falls into them.

In Ayurveda, which is a science and healing methodology that has its roots in ancient civilization, the human composition is classified as a combination of 3 doshas, or 'mind-body type'. The doshas describe the elements at play in each person. They can help us know why we are the way we are, and what to do when things go sideways.

The three doshas are:

Vata - Influenced by the element air. Body type tends to be thin and tall. Strengths of character include quick witted intelligence and bubbly happiness when balanced. Imbalance can manifest as fear or anxiety, and wind related physical conditions.

Pitta - Influenced by the element fire. Body type tends to be strong and compact. Strengths include motivating energy and brightness of spirit. When imbalanced anger and heat conditions are apparent.

Kapha - Ruled by the water element. Body type tends to be sturdy with more curves. Strengths include nurturing, patience and a generally positive outlook. Imbalances can show up as sadness/depression and conditions of dampness.

Now, most of us are combinations of the three, though some people fit more completely into one category while others are more evenly balanced. Me, I'm mostly Pitta-Vata with a bit of Kapha mixed in. I'm pretty evenly distributed, but if I let myself get thrown off the first indication usually shows up as a tendency to get annoyed.

So, okay, according to this perspective each of us is influenced by 3 elements, and most of us are more heavily influenced by one in particular, but what does that mean for you?

Well, once you figure out which dosha combination you're dealing with, this can help build your awareness and give you ways to avoid getting thrown off, and also to come back in balance when you do fall off your happy train.

There are a variety of "What's my Dosha" type tests out there, and even more websites and books willing to tell you what to do about it. Some are better than others. I tend to resonate more with the ones that not only tell you what can go wrong with each dosha, but also make a point to tell you about the really excellent attributes that can shine through from these elements.

The key to finding balance is awareness, and then having a method and philosophy that can guide you back to contentedness. Meditation, yoga, exercise, mindful breathing, food choices and simple attitude are all valid and helpful tools.

Anusara® yoga offers a very complete approach that teaches you how to align physically, mentally and emotionally to live a full and enjoyable life. The principles of this system show you how to take the challenges, trip-ups and tragedies of life and turn them into opportunities for growth; your own personal epic journey to the truth of who you are.

Having a solid philosophy, or matrix of perspective, is crucial in order to find your way out of anger, fear, or sadness. It can even lead you to a state of being where you simply avoid them in the first place.

You already have something you believe in your heart. It may be at any stage of development, but you know when things feel right. The uplifting philosophical teachings of Anusara yoga not only let you believe what you want, but they support and guide you into a more complete relationship with whatever that is.

In addition, this yoga helps you balance the elements and doshas so that you're more consistently happy, and therefore a lot more fun to be around.

If you want to know more about how to use meditation, movement, and the philosophy of yoga to find peace of mind, happiness in your heart, and harmony in your body, hop on your magic carpet and sign up for free emails called Daily Doses of Delight. You'll have answers in your inbox instantly.

Katrina Ariel Koric


Katrina Ariel Koric is an Anusara-inspired yoga teacher and free spirit traveling the world living her yoga. She shares her adventures, experience, wisdom, and inspirations through online yoga offerings. You'll enjoy the easy way Katrina helps you integrate yoga and philosophy into your life when you subscribe to her FREE Daily Doses of Delight at http://www.DailyDosesOfDelight.com

