2012年6月15日 星期五

Discover Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga is not just a trend for the young and active. There are many yoga health benefits anyone can receive from this type exercise. No matter what your age or level of experience (or lack of) your health can definitely benefit from doing yoga. Yoga can help you to naturally develop better:

* Improve Your Balance

* Improve Your Body Strength

* Improve Your Flexiblity

* Improve Your Relaxation

* Improve Your Endurance

You may even lose weight and tone your body by participating in yoga classes. Many individuals find their cardiovascular systems improve through yoga participation. Lower blood pressure and more efficient respiration are additional bonuses that you might expect to enjoy. This low-impact activity is one that many health care professionals recommend for their patients.

There are a number of different yoga styles that you can try. If you don't like the first style or the teacher, try a different one. I find I don't care for hatha yoga with Noreen but like it when Kelly teaches it. So a teacher's approach can make a difference to you. Classes should be fun and you will definitely be challenged by the activities. Don't worry about how fast you are learning the ropes because one of the good things about yoga is you participate at your own pace. You will frequently find me in the back to the right. I find I can see the teacher best from there and am more comfortable in the back row.

Most yoga classes are centered on teaching you how to stretch, hold poses, and move your body properly. As you begin to learn the yoga poses you will be able to relieve those tense, stiff muscles and achy joints. This is due in large part to yoga naturally draining the excess lactic acid that builds up in sore muscles. Eliminating this chemical from your body will refresh and invigorate your muscles once again. Some people even feel that this aids them in weight loss.

A session with a masseuse will accomplish the same affect with the lactic acid. If you are an avid walker, your tight muscles afterwards are holding in all this lactic acid. By balancing your routines with yoga in between, you achieve the premium benefits for your body.

Yoga helps you stretch your muscles and joints safely and naturally. As you begin to move your body more fully it can help increase the amount of lubrication in the body joints. This will result in movements that feel and appear more fluid and effortless. Some experts report that most yoga participants will experience 30-50% improvement in movement and flexibility within 6-8 weeks.

Even if you feel stiff and are out of shape there is a class that will teach you the basics of restoring natural harmony to your body. Some additional yoga health benefits are the reduced amount of sugar you eat, because you just are not craving them as much! Being more relaxed and limber, you feel more "at ease" with yourself. And that is a good thing.

With 10 years of experience in weight loss counseling, author Gretchen Jack shares real life, fire tested strategies that work. She specializes in behavior modifications techniques that are suitable for any age, any life style. She is passionate about helping others to prevent health aliments such as adult onset diabetes.

You can get her free report on 'Sugar Solutions That Work' at: http://crushsugarcravings.com

or get more tips, recipes and motivation at her blog: http://ConquerSugarCravings.com

1 則留言:

  1. Yoga can improve your vision and memory function also and it is refresh your mind very well. It really improves our blood circulation.

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